Tell Me What You Want To Hear

386 +3 OOC: <3

Everything seemed to get even more topsy-turvy when he felt the harsh sting of her slap, if he had no fur he was sure that the noise would have reached all the way to Thornbury. He clenched his jaw, about to lash out when she started yelling at him, and every single word she said was true. No he had not raped her, which lightened his own heart. Even though she seemed interested in him still and he was avoiding her, he did not do something so bad as that… and then her words of being a leader… He needed to be strong again, though he felt like curling up, he could feel himself coming back, and looking at Skye now, he knew exactly why he’d picked her for his co-leader.

You are right, I need to talk to her, to tell her…

She had been so innocent and yet, he had been tempted by her too. Orin was different from the others in so many ways and he knew convincing her they were not meant to be together would be hard. That was his first step at least.

I need to talk to Sky too… She and Orin had fought, I think that my first step is to give them a proper punishment…

As well as a punishment for myself,’ he thought knowing full well he had not broken any laws, but he was not going to just sit there and think that he had not been the cause for this whole mess in the first place… because he was and he needed to fix things, not just with Orin, but with Sky too.

I did not really ask for this…

He said, thinking mostly on Sky’s own confession to him, about her falling in love with him when she only wanted to have a simple life of singing. He had no clue he spoke out loud, nor that Skye would be listening, he was in deep thought, his senses seemed to be coming back to him full force. He had to be a strong leader, lead the pack that wasn’t going to lead itself. He had to be strong. Those words kept repeating over and over in his head, he would not forget these words as they were no in the voice of his own best friend.

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