Clutz Extraordinaire

lol its fine, i dont mind long posts, i hope you dont mind either o.O lol i needed to catch up on SSWM so most of my posts will be like this. Word count: 1068

Rendall shivered in the morning chill. She groaned and squinted her eyes open to see her windows coated with frost. “Brilliant…” She mumbled under her breath has she moved the fur blankets from her body and shrinked her legs up to her chest from the sudden cold. Without the warm blankets the chilly air bit at her nose and seeped down beneath her thick coat. Ren stretched and tried to shake the cold loose from her skin. The cold pursued and she found herself getting up to build a fire. She looked at the wood bucket and glared angrily at it. No wood. She would have to go out and get some. The cabin had been serving very well since she had remodeled it in the fall. Ren looked out the windows to see that the sun had not risen yet, and her fire from the night before had died down. She placed her feet on the floor and shot them back up to the bed. “Ack! Cold cold cold cold.” Her feet were placed back down and she ran threw her house to the back near the wood shed. She grabbed her cloak and wrapped it quickly around her body getting ready to run up the trail to the wood shed.

Rendall opened the door and cursed. The blustery wind blew snow into her face. She wrapped the cloak tighter and ran out towards the shed. The snow bit at her pads and she ran as quickly as she could towards the direction she thought was the stupid small building. Ren hit an ice patch and slipped down, hitting her face on the wooden frame. Dizzy and angered she gained her bearings and opened the flimsy door. Ren walked into the small warm shed, grabbed many pieces of aspen and a piece of apple wood to last through out the day. She opened the door and slipped her way back down to the house. In a few hours she had a good fire going and lunch slowly simmering on the stove. Her breakfast consisted of warm bread and left over meat from the night before. Rendall patted her white belly and sighed with contentment as she sipped on her tea. The sun had risen and the rays shined through her windows, warming the cabin even more. Her deep blue eyes looked outside to check on the weather. The wind had died down and she nodded approvingly as she reached for the thicker rabbit fur cloak on her bed-side table.

She slowly checked here and there for improvements that the winter cloak would need. She looked at the spots where more fur was needed “Just three more.” Ren finally set about getting ready to go out into the snow. She packed up some rations in her small pack and an extra blanket. It was thin but it would be good in case she needed extra protection against the snow. She packed her arrows and strapped her bow to her back. Finally Rendall set out into the early morning powder. She worked her way past the firefly fields and the ranch into the forest and up the ridge. Into a small field where she knew the rabbits were plenty. She set up a spot near a shallow overhang in the trees and hunched low keeping her unusually colored eyes looking out for any sign of movement. She kept her body still and her breath low. Her hard work paid off when she saw a bit of movement near a tree. The little white bunny was munching happily away at a root. Rendall observed its size and movements for a little while before finally deciding it just wasn’t big enough to do any good for her. “Perhaps next year for you little one.” She scooped up a little snow and gently tossed it near the fluffy thing. Making it run for its life to the nearest bolt hole.

The wolfess laughed under her breath and continued to watch out for more of the swift little things. Ren continued to watch for any sign before her eyes grew heavy and she slowly let her head drop. Sleep came easy for her when she was out in the wilderness. The blanket provided a nice barrier between her and the freezing snow packed ice. Her cloak covered her body, allowing her to not be disturbed by the birds above. She snored lightly and curled her body up into a ball. Keeping the chill away from her stomach. A few finches above her finally realized her presence and protested about it. She ignored them and continued to sleep lightly throughout the morning. A sudden movement near her though roused the woman from her sleep and she slowly peeked up above her barrier, looking in hopes of a hair.

Her eyes searched around and finally rested on a large hair just feet away from her. Its fluffy white fur gave its presence away. Ren reached for her bow so slowly that it seemed as if she was barely moving at all. She then straightened out her body, laying in a perfect line. Her eyes held a determined gaze as she drew one of her arrows back, the grey feathers tickled her cheek, and in one moments breath she released it, watching as the hair realized too late that it was being hunted. The arrow moved swiftly, pinning the hair to the tree behind it. She cheered quietly and got up to retrieve her catch. About half way there more movement caught her eye. Within seconds she had her bow at the ready and another arrow preparing to be fired. Ren kept her gaze steady, before another pair of large ears caught her eyes. Ren thought to herself a moment, debating on weather she should fire or wait. These ears looked different then the hairs and there was only one thing she knew that had ears like that. “Coyote..” She whispered and moved closer, keeping her bow at the ready in case the canine wanted to rumble. Ren finally got close enough to see the child. Rendall immediately lowered her bow and observed the child. She looked to be traveling and very cold. “Are you alright? What is a girl like you doing way out here?” She approached the girl slowly, removing her cloak and placing it in her arms. Hoping not to frighten the girl.

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