welcome to the masquerade ball.
http://i155.photobucket.com/albums/s304 ... d/rawr.png); background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top:160px; background-position:top center; background-color:#FEFEFE">

Sure :o -Tosses in lame computer nerd jokes to make up for the delay?- >>;
------Two. Two? That wasn't a big number... it paled in comparison to even the scant number of toes found on his paw! He wasn't quite sure how to go about eating this byte of information. Such a low number could really mean any of a number of things. One: everybody was scrambling about, utterly disorganised. Two: the packs had stayed organised better than he had originally thought... perhaps the members had banded together to form two super-packs. But no, Naniko's pack didn't seem that immense, so this was unlikely. Three: not everybody had migrated to his home after all, and some of the others had gone off somewhere else. Four: the packs simply hadn't had enough time to reform yet. Some combination of one and four seemed most plausible, and he wasn't about to go counting his chickens before they hatched. Others would crop up in due time--he was almost sure of it.
------"Ah, I'd imagine healers would be a rather invaluable resource right now, all things considered." Typically such thoughts would have gone on solely in his own head, but right now, he was striving to seem sociable. He wanted to keep the conversation going, but it seemed like things were finally petering out. Sooner or later he'd have exhausted this resource, but he kept his ears open. Slight details were not overlooked. The healers. The number four. Very good, very good...... a walk? It was as though the suggestion to move had clicked him back into reality, as he had temporarily become absorbed in his own thoughts. "Sure, it's no problem," he said. She was the leader here, after all. Instinctively he knew this, and logically he embraced it as well. He was on his best behaviour, and as such, pretty much anything she said went. He rose and looked at her expectantly, unsure of what destination she might have in mind. Perhaps, if he was lucky, he'd even get a little look inside their borders. Knowing the land was one of the best and simplest ways to gain an advantage in any situation.


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