At the Violet Hour

Chirp C:

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"Nice to meet you, Miss Epals," Skye said brightly. Bindu replied with a half-smile, but said nothing.

The white wolf tried to sooth Bindu's tense nerves, telling her not to worry about the horse. But as she peered around Skye's figure, the girl was not relieved. Jack was calming down, and was chewing a mouthful of flowers nonchalantly; his powerful hooves were hidden by a carpet of red, blue, yellow. Horses were not like wolves. They did not use the high speech, and they did not howl. Because she did not understand the way horses worked, she only saw Jack as a unpredictable monster with iron feet. Just because the beast was calm didn't mean that it wasn't dangerous.

Skye strolled back towards the flower field, casually inviting Bindu to come into the territory over her shoulder. There was nothing that she would have liked more than to walk among the blooms and take in the beauty, but the wolfdog was hesitant. Could this be a trap- were there wolves waiting in the bushes to rip her skull off and impale it on a stick? Her dark gaze fixed on Skye. The white wolf was standing in the meadow, and her fur was glowing in the strong sunlight. Bindu took a step into D'Arte territory, and out of the forest's shadows. Skye was not a bad wolf.

Her steps got brisker as she drew nearer the flowers, but right at the edge of the meadow she paused. Before her stretched a rainbow that swayed in the wind. A scent hit her speckled nose, so strong and beautiful that she opened her mouth and breathed it in, too. Overwhelmed, Bindu walked into the blooms. She was very careful not to let any of her four paws crush a stem or maul a single petal; this winter paradise was increasing in value with every breath taken, every color dotted on the face of the meadow that stretched and stretched.

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