A change in stature

Haha, definitely a good thing. Big Grin

The tears subsided, leaving the girl's eyes red and itchy. They burned in the cold as if on fire- a fire that had survived through a rainstorm of tears, and that would continue to burn for a very long time. Was this the feeling of sorrow? Her knuckles rubbed at her dark red eyes again- already it was easier to maneuver her fingers to do so.

"What is the matter?" the man asked, his hands rubbing her back like a consoling father would do. Normally the wolfdog would not consent to someone touching her, but right now she wanted him near her- if not in place of her parents, then as a friend. He added, "My name is Niro by the way, I hope I haven’t said anything that upsets you." Bindu shook her head. He had not upset her in the slightest, and she wanted him to know that.

She answered him, "N-no, mister N-niro ... " Her free hand curled over her dark eyes, but she didn't cry any more. She had to hide her face from him, out of embarrassment for what she was about to say. "Th-they said that shif--shifters were ... m-mons-monsters." To plainly insult a kind man broke Bindu's simple heart, even though she didn't think that he was like a monster at all. No, this opinion was that of her old pack's, the dogs who she'd grown up with and lived with and eaten with. The shame ate her up.

"I ... I didn't know I was a-a Luperci!" the girl burst, sniffling and trembling. She still held on to Niro's arm, but her fingers slackened. Bindu liked to learn, but learning of this new truth was devastating.

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