
OOC here: Table & Coding © Fae; 708 words

Ouija didn't have a special song. Okay, he had one but it hadn't came from his mother. It was something taught to him by a female that he had been courting at the time. She had given him the words to sing. Of course it didn't hold the same meaning to him as Fallen's song did to him. Both songs spoke of love though different aspects of it. One of a mother's love for her child and the other spoke of a love between two beings. Though each song spoke of the lengthy extents at which they would go to prove their love for the one that the song was given to. Of course Ouija's love didn't last. At least not in the sense that some serious relationship was formed. Still he loved her in his own special way. But then again Ouija had love for everyone. He believed in free love and sharing it with all. He didn't believe that just because you loved one person then you couldn't love another as well. No, there were all forms of love in his mind. He believe that you could love others without having to be "in" love. That there was a difference. And so far he had never had that "in" love experience. The one where you forgot about life before that one special person. The one where you didn't mind hanging around after physical love was shared between two bodies. He was much too active to just laze about. It was something that he had grownup with, taught to have always been busy rather than idle.

The male had been making his way through the forest on his way to the oasis so that he could collect more water in order to continue his work. He liked to try and keep a few extra buckets of water around just in case he got lucky and found a few more animals whose pelts he could add to his collection. Of course he didn't just toss out the meat or any of that. No, he had taken to drying that out and making jerky so that he would have food to last longer than a single kill would. And he was chewing on a piece of that jerky that he held in one hand for he carried the wooden bucket that he wished to fill in the other. And of course his path detoured once he heard the melody placed in the air. It wasn't a voice that he recognized but it wasn't that which had drawn his attention but rather the lyrics instead. The words were quite peculiar and odd to the blood splattered male. So forgetting his task for the moment he made to go find the owner of the voice instead.

Through a break in the trees, that of course gave way to more trees beyond, he saw a male with a brown pelt that had a hint of warmth along with that earthen color. Of course he was only seeing the other from the back and so he couldn't see the facial scarring. No, his eyes traveled down that lean frame to the shapely bottom that possessed a thick and fluffy tail, one which he certainly mind running his fingers through, and on down to those strong and pristine white colored legs before slowly making the travel right on back up the other's body. Such a lovely body indeed.

"If you were Mama then I would be such a spoiled little boy." The male finally spoke up to allow his presence to be known. Of course he moved his large and tall body, being in Optime form, towards the other. He had no idea who the fellow was or if he even belonged. But then it wasn't like Ouija knew all that stayed within the pack. They all seemed to pretty much live separate lives. There wasn't much effort to bring them all together. And well, Ouija had been keeping himself to busy to even care about getting to know the others in the pack. Lately there was always a fire going in the hunting lodge and so the smoke would be easily smelled but no one ever came to investigate what was going on.

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