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The hazelish colored male stood in his Optime form, which was oddly not that large. He wasn't a small boy, he was a good medium size, but he still felt short, well, at least to Shawchert when he had met him. Shawchert was a giant to Fallen, but he respected the brute, Shawchert was fairly good at flute. Fallen sighed then, after thinking of the gentle tones of the flute, he missed the violin. He yearned for the feeling of wood on his hand, the feeling of strings beneath his claws, the bow sliding gracefully, back and forth across the strings. A gorgeous instrument, the violin was to Fallen, when he was younger, he had doubted himself worthy for such a beautiful instrument. But that had changed, once the stringed instrument was in his paws, he felt more then worthy, it felt as if fate brought the old instrument and the young male together. Fallen sighed once again, before he soon began to hum another light tune, but his peace, was soon interrupted. He stopped the light tune he was humming, before a heavy scent came upon his nose.... a meaty scent... a jerky scent. Fallen sniffed once more, before an eyebrow gently lifted in light confusion, but it was soon gone, when a scent of a wolf came upon his nostrils. He growled softly, but the sound was soon calmed, Fallen guessed perhaps it could be a pack mate, one he had yet to meet, that was most likely the answer, considering he had only met Sir Shawchert so far. Fallen turned, his bangs slightly lifted, before they fell back upon his empty eye socket, his normal green eye looking into the shadows, the light pink scar upon his remaining eye shining under light sunlight. Fallen didn't say a word, but his question and hypothesis was soon answered. A male, larger then him, which almost every male was, but this male, how unique! A mass of colors this male was! The jerky smell came from him, making Fallen's mouth lightly water, but Fallen ignored that. Fallen had but cargo pants on, a slight beat up pair, but those were his favorite, and, at the moment, his only clothes. Fallen looked at this male with his grassy eye, as he looked upon the bright colored male, but the male spoke before Fallen could speak. "If you were Mama then I would be such a spoiled little boy," The male seemed to be attempting to joke of Fallen's birth song, in which Fallen gave a mere chuckle. A blank look upon his green eye, Fallen lightly flipped his bangs, due to the longest piece of hair poking his eye uncomfortably, slightly revealing the empty socket.

Fallen stared at the brute for a moment more, before speaking in his oddly perfect toned voice, right in between the pitch of high and low, " I hope I am not a mother, and how could I produce someone as colorful as you?...," Fallen simply said, a slightly amused look upon his green orb, before he began to speak again, with a light blunt tone, "Are you of Cercatori? If you are, which I assume, I am Fallen, violinist, yet, I am without a violin," Fallen added at the end of his sentence, before looking upon the rainbow brute, searching for questions upon the colorful pelted wolf.

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