M. And baby makes three
This one wasn't a fail :o I just want a more up to date one! wc: 200

She usually had trouble trusting others, and today had been no exception. Now that she had initially met him, though, she felt that there would be little to no awkwardness between them. Perhaps she could get some lessons on working with knives...and some lessons on that voodoo stuff that he did. She hadn't been down to the place where he lived at before, and was interested in seeing that as well...it would be a day of new experiences for her, something that she craved. She needed to get away from the valley every once in a while and she'd be able to bring information back to Jefferson on the new pack, as well.

"I'd like that." She said, answering his offer. Of course, she was aware that it was quite possible that he offered the same thing to every girl...but she liked to think that she might be special. He made mention of leaving and she nodded. "I'm going to get a few knives...then head back. I'll have to come down to your packlands and see if you're around. Bye!"Addison turned back to the rest of the shop, finally giving him her back, to search for a few more items.


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