[M] Take Me Away.. (DND)
Alright then WC: 452

He held the joint out to her. Axelle took it from him and took a big pull. While holding it, she could feel her thoughts getting fuzzy already. Good shit. She kept her wondering questions in mind, but something that he said now made her wonder. He doesn’t know what vodka is? She exhaled. Waiting a few seconds, she took another big pull and held the joint out to him. Would he know that she was holding it out to him or would she have to poke him or something? Just in case…


He didn’t know what vodka was. Did Kemo explore much? Maybe being blind put a limit on things he could do. I would still find a way to explore. Which was true. Axelle couldn’t think of a world without exploring. Actually, she couldn’t think at all right now. Straight, anyway. Her thoughts came in waves. Throbs might be a better word. First, her concentration on a subject was very clear and then a couple seconds later the thought became extremely fuzzy. Then after the thought became fuzzy she began wondering about the actually stoned thought process. Axelle blinked hard trying to clear her mind. Failure.

She looked up at Kemo, but she couldn’t tell if he was high yet or not. She knew she was, but she could take in more and her concentration could get worse. She should explain things now while she still had a chance. Ah, right, the vodka. She sat up noticing she was hunched over a bit. A few cracks were heard from her back, but they were relieving cracks. She examined her two-toned tail as she looked down. Wow, it’s cool. She noticed she always finds something fascinating about her own body. Too bad he couldn’t witness this with her.

You don’t know what Vodka is!? Well, do you know what alcohol is at least? Because it’s alcohol. Very strong alcohol. Tastes like shit, but gets you drunk quickly.

She swished the alcohol in the bottle once more. Yeah, get used to the sound. We’re hitting this next! A smile stretched across her lips. Then she put the bottle on the ground next to her. She would give it to him if he wished to see it. Now wondering what a high was like for him crossed her mind. She had read once from a human’s diary and it said that one who is on shrooms is able to smell colors and taste sounds. Sounds Kemo was good with, but she wondered if he could tell what color something was while being high on shrooms. While this topic was still on her mind, she asked.

Have you ever experienced the drug shrooms?


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