A change in stature

WC:334 +3 OOC: Poor Bindu!

Niro got his answer and to his shock, he did not think she had the right idea, he blinked a few times and scowled, who would say such thinks about luperci? Why? He’d never had anyone have any animosity towards him for being able to change, maybe for being alive, but that was because whoever it was wanted him dead to eat him or play with his organs, but this … it was entirely different.

Well.. they are wrong, we are not monsters, we are different. Just like our pelts, they are different but that doesn’t make either you or me one…

He doubted this was much of a good analogy but he didn’t know what else to say really. He felt bad for her… not bad, sad, she had gotten the wrong idea, to be a luperci, meant so much. There could be so much more that they could accomplish with the use of their hands, their upright bodies, and even their thoughts that had changed over the years.

We are different, but not demons or monsters, we can do so many things too, we can lift things up with not just our teeth but our hands, we can work and build and do beautiful things…

Her last words made his heart ache as she loosened her grip on him… he wished he could help her but once a luperci was one… it was impossible to change back, whatever changed them was there forever.

There are many who choose not to change. You do not have to be in this form… you can change back to your lupis, and you would never have to change back again.

He said, giving her a sad smile, though he did not know her, he felt that whatever happened should happen and if she needed to do what she did… then it was up to her he would not force her into anything but to give her the options… that was what friends were for wasn’t it?

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Table by Meghann!


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