Marino bear freak out!


OOC: Jazper's all "Oh no you didn't :O" XD

In all honesty Jazper had never been so close to a living bear. He had once found a dead bear and made a winter cloak out of its chocolate brown fur, but that was as far as his interaction could go. All he knew of bears came from books he had read. They were large and dangerous, willing to charge and kill you if you got o close. His mind searched for answers as he circled the beast. Why did it attack Savina? Why hadn't Savina called for help instead of Ghita? Where was everyone else? With only two wolves fighting it would be rather difficult to take down a full grown bear.

The only peace of mind that lasted in the warriors mind was his own size. Although the bear obviously contained more mass Jazper still stood as high as her shoulders, giving him the reassurance that he could help Savina, Ghita, and the pups to safety. Letting a growl grow in his chest he began to pace, glancing from Ghita to Savina then back at the bear. This certainly wasn't a situation he had woken up hoping for. In fact, he had warned Ghita about taking the pups out so early in their life. They would have plenty of time to run around in the spring but it was to dangerous for their little fragile bodies.

With a growl still rumbling in his ebony chest Jazper slowly moved backwards, lowering himself closer to the ground in a stalking position. He could see blood dripping from Savina's mouth, a positive sign that they could drive the beast away but the sudden high pitched yelp caused all of his attention to jump away from the bear and towards Savina. Searching for a wound it took him seconds to realize that the bear had managed to cut his alpha's leg. As she jumped up and snarled the brute of a wolf moved forwards once again. This time letting out a snarl of his own matching his leaders ferocity. He wouldn't let anyone, not even a bear, hurt his family. Anger grew in the male, this was his home, where he raised his pups, and where his nieces and nephews had grown and there was no way he would let a stupid old bear hurt his family. Letting another snarl escape his muzzle the warrior flashed his sharp teeth as he dashed towards the bear and leaped, aiming for her neck.


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