OOC: 157 WC

Itzal had just really been starting to wonder if this sky person even existed. He doubted that everyone would have lied to him. But no matter how much he searched, he could not find Sky. It was hopeless, he would be peircingless for life.

That is when he saw the figure coming towards him. His hopes rised as he thought maybe she knew where sky was. He kept walking towards the figure until he was close enough to hear her ask him where the nearest shop was. He was sorry to disappoint her, but he barely knew the area himself. "It is no bother at all, and sadly, I do not. I'm looking for someone myself. Do you by any chance know where i can find a female named Sky? I'm looking to get a piercing from her. "

Itzal felt kind of bad for not being able to help the female. Hell, he could barely help himself.

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