
"Nothing in life is ever free..."

Sky grinned wide as he introduced himself, claiming to have been looking for her for a long time. Poor kid; she almost never left Thornbury, so no wonder. She nodded as he spoke, chuckling a bit as he went on about what he could and couldn't do, then finished with admitting he'd never pierce himself. Thank gods! Girl actually responded with a surprised but delighted expression, and both hands going up to grab his cheeks and shove her nose up close to his face. In all seriousness, she spoke in a low tone. "You, Itzal, are the entity of common sense for that. Thank gods."

Releasing the poor boy, she flicked her tail and turned away, waving a hand over her shoulder. "Come come, follow me. Let's find a place to sit, and I can get started. I can do whatever you ask for today, since I have all my stuff with me, but I don't really have any studs for ear piercings. If it's the ear you wanted, you'll have to excuse the gauge." Girl was so happy to have a customer! Wait. Customer. She froze in her tracks and turned around, giving him a side-ways glance.

"I hate to ask... but do you have anything to trade for my services?" Anything would do. Food, livestock, pets, information... anything. Even something as simple as a ribbon for her hair would do. "Piercings take up needles, and they're not easy to find. Plus I'll be giving you my own studs and hoops for whatever you get done, since I doubt you have your own, and even if you did, it'd be unsanitary. I don't charge much, but even my own packmates have to pay something."

Of course, her packmates usually played her a song, or crafted her a trinket. Girl was a collector, of both memories and nick-nacks. The idea of giving away something without anything in return was a sickening one for her, and the worse part, was that it made her feel greedy. Ick. Guilt.

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