A change in stature

For a fraction of a second her black eyes darted up to catch the male's reaction; she saw anger in the form of a twisted frown and as quickly returned her gaze to the ground. Must be offended, oh no, oh no how do I say sorry how do I take it back, the girl fretted to herself. Right then, holding onto Niro's arm felt like the worst possible thing to be doing, as if by using him for balance she would make him even angrier than he already was. Her little hand fell from his arm to her side, where it hung limply. She stood on her own.

Niro spoke up, but the teen was surprised to hear that he didn't sound angry at her. Well.. they are wrong, we are not monsters, we are different. Just like our pelts, they are different but that doesn’t make either you or me one… His tone was consoling but still held a wisp of indignation; Bindu realized that he was just trying to defend the Luperci and was not upset with her. The realization eased her mind enough that she wasn't afraid to lift her eyes up to look at his strong face.

It was good to hear that someone say that shifters weren't monsters. And his point about different pelts made sense, so she thought, her eyes big and wet. She listened intently as he continued to speak about all of the good things that came with being a Luperci, and wondered if she could really do beautiful things. Good things.

Her heart nearly stopped at his last words, but after a second or two she felt an overwhelming relief flood into her blood. 'Two-legs' might be wonderfully capable, but a few minutes of talk could not change Bindu's mind about feeling safest in her 'dog-form'. The wolfdog could hide inside of her lupus form without ever coming out and she would be happy. But now that she was a shifter, Bindu had the idea that keeping herself locked away in one form wouldn't be smart or safe. Eventually she would have to deal with all three forms, not only lupus.

"Okay," she bleated weakly. It seemed like all the crying had worn her out; Bindu was exhausted. Her dark eyes drooped but she tried so hard to keep them open but the fire's so warm and you can change back soon ... Her eyes did not close; instead they looked to Niro once more. "C-can you help me t-to walk, please?" Before she rested, and while the older male was still around, she thought that she should learn how to maneuver in this form.

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