The new neighbor... or potential customer?

570 words. I FAIL for taking so long. Whack me on the head next time @_@; And is it wrong to really want sweets whenever I look at your tables? Big Grin~

If she thought him impressive, Bangle thought the female below him was rather crazy walking around during the winter without any sort of garment on. Perhaps he could interest her in some elegant furs or simple, easy to wear leather wraps.. but that would have to be for later. All of that was inside his house, and the coywolf did not care to leave the safety of the tree to fetch them. Besides, this was his neighbor, they would have plenty of future interactions and possible trades with one another.

He watched as she tried to hide herself from him, which only made him grin wider. He was used to making others uncomfortable, but then she made a quick retort. Ah, so she was the fiery kind. Already Bangle was attempting to size this female up, trying to get a good picture of who she was like before they even said a handful of words to one another. When Orin asked the male if her own fur made her look fat, he couldn't help but bark out with laughter, stomach moving up and down with the notion. "Fat? Naw.. more like poofy," he said to her, though he wasn't sure how she would take that. Then the coywolf cocked an eyebrow at her. "Miss, I'm a travelin' merchant. Why would I lie to yeh?" Another big grin marked his words, assuring her.

Bangle found his feet idly moving back and forth as they dangled on the limb he sat on, still staring down at the female. She took an immediate interest in his mentioning of a tree house to be built in the oak's large branches and secluded leaves, and he cocked his head at her. "Well if yer gonna be seein' it from yer window, I don' see why you can't see it fer yerself when it's done!" Enthusiastic as she was, it was catching on, and soon Bangle's heavy thoughts were forgotten. His right hand lifted up to scratch at the back of his neck, still a bit confused in trying to read the pink haired female. She seemed eccentric, yet serious when it came to what she wanted to do. Light and airy, yet still maintained a certain flavor to her qualities.

After listening to her talk about the bookstore, which really wasn't all that interesting for the traveler, he leaned down to hoist her up on the branch beside him. She seemed to have a bit of fun climbing up into the tree, the air being filled with her bubbly laughter. But then she looked at him, confused, and he followed her gaze back to the store across the way. "Well, don' mean to break yer heart, but it isn't that much of a sight yet." He said, slightly nudging her with his arm as she settled. Bangle was able to get a good look at the female now, who, to the coywolf, seemed anything but normal.. no matter what he was told. The coyote mix took her hand and shook it firmly, a gesture he was very well used to by now. "'Ey there neighbor, I mean.. miss Orin. Name's Bangle!" He chided. "So what's yer story?" Bangle asked curiously, though also wanting to know why it was that the females he met so far in the pack had white fur, and a love for books. Was there a memo he didn't know about, yet?

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