[M] -- Oh, you did not just go there...!

OOC *cue Mortal Kombat theme* wc 619

Call it inexperience. Call it stupidity. Whatever you call it, Orin was caught unawares by the attack.

Her back had been to Sky and she had not seen the girl's first movement. Orin had never been a part of a confrontation like this, though she had read about them frequently in the dramatic novels. Once she had even read a silly human romance novel that had a similar plot as this one, but involved several more women. At the time she thought it was silly and that no one would ever act like that. Well, not only was Sky perfectly perpetuating one of the parts, Orin herself had played another to a T.

The Katruk woman slammed into her back full force, not a bit of the lunge deflected by Orin. The ivory Luperci was flung forward and the only thing that saved her from a broken nose was the layer of snow powder that blanketed the streets of Thornbury. It probably saved her from a broken rib and a few other extensive, unpleasant injuries too.

For a moment she could not breathe, nose buried into the snow, but luckily as Sky pressed on her back the thin snow beneath her began to compact, and she found room to turn her head to the side. “What the hell are you doing you crazy bitch!” She shouted, and the shock and terror in her voice were real and unhidden.

The snow continued to pack beneath her as Sky pressed harder on her back. With one eye she could see the woman in her transformed state, and somehow spared a second to marvel at how quickly she had changed. Orin would be better off if she could change, too, but even with all her recent practicing she would never have had time to shift her form before Sky shifted it for her. Small red lines began to seep through her fur on her shoulder and a coppery scent oozed into the air, the first scratches from Sky's claws. She had to think fast if she was to get out of this.

Being small was the one thing she knew how to do with complete precision. Sky was actually smaller than the petite Takekuro girl in her Optime state, but now with Sky shifted to Secui Orin was the tiny one. She felt the snow shift beneath her again and she acted on it immediately. One hand dug into the snow and tightened around the ice while she utilized the small bit of extra space to twist. She jerked at her midsection, summoning the strength (though not without feeling a pain in the muscle of her back as she did so) to twist beneath Sky, and punched her fist towards Sky's face. She aimed for the woman's eyes, and within her own hand was the clump of snow... and dirt.

If her attack landed and temporarily incapacitated her attacker, Orin would take the moment to wriggle out from underneath Sky's long legs. But despite the 'surprise' attack (that she should have seen coming a mile away), she was not about to back down. If she could just get out from beneath the woman she would be able to combat her for at least a little while. Here is where her natural grace and speed would come into play...

“You only wish I had drugged him,” she spat. “How does it feel that deep down inside you know that I didn't? Oh no. He wanted me for me. When did all this come about anyway, Sky? How long have you loved our alpha? Maybe if you weren't such a little chicken shit you wouldn't be in this situation right now!”

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