She said her name was a hand-me down name
Don't worry about it hun, short post is short.

What was she doing out here? There was perfectly good coastline within the pack borders, it was the same, was it not? It was the same ocean with the same waves and dances, calls and caverns. Why did it seem so alluring to know what else sat on the edges of it's mouth to the femme? She knew very well that it was not all the same, that one corner could lead her to something she had never seen before. It was awfully far to be at this hour of night though. Tala was not one to venture off alone at night, during the day it seemed fine, but there was something off about wandering at night. Seeing a body in the shadows almost always made people think negatively of you immediately. Unclaimed territory or not, the shadows were not kind or trusting to an innocent soul.

The pawpads of the wolfess were sure to leave little noise on the sand, and occasional stones as she followed the coast back west towards her packlands, her home. It was not a hard route, neither was it overly far. It did however seem utterly foreign to her to be traveling at night again. Bringing back memories of a lifestyle she was glad to be rid of. She was no longer a wanderer, and the feeling was something she didn't want to relive so soon. It had been months, but now that she was alone in unknown places, it felt like it had been only hours.

A small hill had her amber eyes in a confused state, not the hill itself but what was on the other side. A man, sitting among rocks and a candle. What could he possibly be doing? The wind carried a scent that confused her further. She would not mistake that for anything. "Davyn?" What on earth was he doing out here at this hour, doing...whatever he was doing none the less. She took a few steps towards him with silent steps and curious eyes. Again, he ceased to surprise her.


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