A Needed Distraction

Sorry, this was longer than I intended XD; SoSuWriMo 579

Scouting was a profession Nayati could have easily found himself in. In fact, it was most often that a child took on the profession that one of their parents held. For a little while Nayati had shadowed his father while Ohitekah had been out on scouting missions but eventually he had decided to follow the path of the hunter instead. For one, scouting and hunting were two professions that were quite closely related and the two paths crossed often so it was not such a huge jump to make. Also, being his parents only son at the time, he had felt a great need to help provide more and had felt that hunting was the best way to help his family along. It had turned into his passion and he had never looked back.

Nian seemed quite excited to know that the Gadui Kanati had some familiarity with his profession path and Nayati was equally pleased that he could be of help to the new tribesman. "What you have already done is good--it is important that scouts know the territory intimately. Our professions are actually closely interwoven. Scouts are meant to keep track of what is going on in the lands and when they find a game trail they should inform the hunters and even help the hunters on tracking the game. It is also your duty to help look after the safety of the borders with the warriors and to help deliver messages throughout the tribe." Hopefully this was giving Nian a better idea of his job and Nayati wasn't just repeating things he already knew. "The next time I go on a hunt I you should come with me. I can show you ways to spot a trail that are not always entirely obvious. It would also be good if you gained some proficiency with a bow, which I can teach you also." Honestly, the Utina thought it important for most members of the tribe to have some skill with some sort of weapon or hunting implement, but for a scout it would be good for both hunting and defense if the need arose.

Time for such things would come later though, as he was quite interested to learn of this game that Nian wished to play. When the other male sat, Nayati returned to his own seated position and he looked at the playing board with interest. At the mention that it was a sort of hunting game, the Gadui Kanati was instantly more interested; perhaps he would actually be able to participate in this game with some amount of skill. When Nian explained his new name for the game, Nayati smiled, laughing lightly. "Clever," he said. He himself was not much of a wordsmith, but he appreciated the skill in others. The Utina listened carefully as the game was explained to him, watching was the pieces and the design of the board and how it was to be used were pointed out to him. It was a new sort of game to him, but Nian did a very good job of explaining it.

The hunter nodded his head when he was asked if he understood. "Yes, it makes sense. It seems very interesting and I would be happy to give it a try," he said with a smile. "Who should play which part?" Since it was Nian's game, he felt it only right that he decide who would play the wolves and who the wapiti.

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