[M] -- Oh, you did not just go there...!

OOC Looks like they might not have to be broken up. Or they can go for another round! haha Your call! wc 1,115

In a stroke of luck her fist full of snow and dirt landed, though a little off it's mark. She did not jam painful sand granules into Sky's eyes for the girl had seen the attack, but the snow and dirt that did not fly from her hand with the attack added weight to her punch and was just enough to make the Secui pause and reel for a moment. The second the weight of the paws lightened on her back, Orin wriggled out from underneath Sky. She bounded on all fours despite being in her Optime mode like the Werewolves of old, then spun to face Sky and stood on two feet again. Her arms were out at her sides and she was carefully bent at all the important areas, poised to spring forward or dodge to the side in the event of another attack. At this distance Orin would be able to see her coming and hopefully make the right move. As Sky began to circle Orin countered it, pacing the circle as well to keep Sky from having her back again.

And then Sky started up again. Orin rolled her eyes as the girl started going again, though in all fairness she was just answering the question Orin posed. Still, she would not have minded one bit if the girl would just shut up and get over herself already.

“Oh please! Listen to yourself! 'His priorities are to the pack.' Well of course they are to the pack but what about himself? It's people like you-” she jabbed an accusatory pointer finger towards Sky “-that whittle down great leaders like him. Yes, he is the alpha. He has to be 'on' for us one-hundred percent of the time. What does that leave him for himself? Nothing! If he worked like you wanted him to he would be dead from the stress in a year. Get off your high horse and start thinking of someone else for a change.

“Look at all the good your waiting has done. If it wasn't for you there would be no mess here. If you hadn't come along today like a cat that's lost its mouse everything would be fine. But now what? Look,” she waved her hand towards Bangle's tree. At some point she had finally noticed the coy-wolf. “There are witnesses. Now, instead of going on with life like we would have, you're going to break pack law, attack his lover, and send gossip through the whole pack!

“Yes, I was thinking about him, Sky. You need to get some shit straight in that bat-shit crazy head of yours!” She screwed her finger near her temple for a moment to accentuate her point. Her eyes bored into Sky, expecting the next lunge. She watched carefully for any last muscle jerk that would foretell another attack. “And I was thinking about the rest of the pack, too. And yeah, I won't lie, I was thinking of myself, too! You should have seen him yesterday. Something had happened that made our strong Luperci alpha crumble to his knees, and it was not me. What that was is not my business to tell, just like this wasn't your business to spread to the whole pack! If he wants to tell you then he can himself. But when I went to his house yesterday I didn't find the same Shawchert that puts on that friendly face and that strong man act every day. I found a tortured man. And I helped him. I helped me friend. And maybe in a way he helped me too, but that is all.”

She fell silent for a moment, some of the momentum leeched from her words with her last statement. That is all. Her angered expression mutated for a moment, a look of bewilderment crossing her face. That... that was all. That is all it was. Shawchert and I are not mates. I love him because he is my friend. And I'm fighting for him now because he is my friend and alpha...

That still did not change the fact that Sky had enraged her, and was doing so further with every pitiful word. So she did not stop when her heart told her to. She probably could fix this now, but this had become a battle of pride. For both herself and for Sky. This was not about love.

“To be honest, though,” she started again. Sky had stopped to groom her paw and Orin was pacing slowly towards her now, her head low and her eyes digging for blood. “To be completely honest with you, Sky, because we are pack and there are no secrets among pack... No, at the time, I wasn't thinking about anything other than how good it felt! And Shawchert wasn't, either.” With that she surged forward, her foot-paws lunging off the snow and sending her sailing at Sky. A hand lashed out, open palmed, aiming to land one hearty bitch slap to the face before dancing backwards and out of slashing range, unless Sky had a quick parry to the blow.

That was when something Sky said hit her. She had completely ignored it earlier. Orin turned, retreating, trying to skitter away from Sky again and to the ring that they had trampled in the snow as the words echoed endlessly in her ears... What happens if you get pregnant...? A hand dropped to her belly and her eyes went wide. She had no reason to think she was pregnant, and if she would be she probably wasn't even officially pregnant yet, but she words had hit home. The anger had melted from her visage and she turned her eyes back to Sky to watch for the woman's next move, but her honey colored gaze was now round and a miasma of emotion. She threw her hand into the air, palm out to signal a time-out.

“Stop! What if... what if I am?” It would have been a cowardly way out of the fight, but that was not what Orin was looking for. If it was just that she wanted out of the fight she could have continued on, could have pretended that she really thought she was and that Sky would be attacking the mother of the alpha's pups. That she could hurt Shawchert's children if she kept on. But Orin wasn't looking for a cheap way out of the fight. Every inch of her fiber wanted to collide with Sky and tear at her fur until the woman looked like a mange victim. But she just couldn't get the possibility out of her head.

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