Coming Undone
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What a bitch!

Most people would be glad to see someone defending their sibling, someone willing to watch out for them. This little number though, seemed to find it worth laughing over. Seemed to find it worth giving him scorn over. The massive male flicked his cool blue eyes towards Jasper and then back to the little black bitch with an unmasked contempt. "Obviously manners came with his blood;you seemed to have missed out on them." He refrained from using condescending names, because it simply was not his way. He had a number of things he could have pointed out to claim his superiority to her; size, stature, gender, all things that he could claim on his own personal bias. If this was her idea of a grown up, mature creature, Laurent was glad that Jasper only shared half his DNA with her.

He leaned against the doorframe, his body only half way in front of Jasper now. "You certainly do make a first impression. If I caught someone concerned enough to defend one of my kin? I'd want to shake that person's hand, not alienate both my sibling and their buddy in one swift move." He glanced at Jasper, allowing him to defend the claim. Really, Laurent probably wouldn't have minded it much at all; he was secure enough in himself that he really rarely gave a damn what anyone said about him anyways. But then, why act like a spoiled Prince? Maybe this lady just had a talent for pushing buttons.
table by Akumu

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