into the depths
OOC: 416 WC

Itzal knew he was being disrespectful. And he knew he was good at it. Respect was not something he gave out easily. Especially to strangers who he did not know. And even more especially to strangers who were in pack territory and might not even be in the pack. So yeah, he was being disrespectful, and he had the big smirk on his face to prove he knew it. He might be young, but he was no stranger to protecting himself.

Itzal listened intently to what the coyote said. He was purebred. He was sure, and there was a chance he had a grudge against Itzal for being a hybrid, a coywolf. He knew some of the coyotes in the pack were like that. And from what this coyote was saying, he was part of the pack. He was a Hastati, like Alyssum. So he knew how to fight then. And Itzal had been insulting to a higher rank of his own pack. Oh well, he had been willing to risk it. Anyways, how was Itzal suppose to know the diffrence between a member of the pack and an outsider.

He smiled, not as cocky now, but smiled at Kesho. "It was my business when I thought you could be a threat to the pack. And you are right, i should learn the scent. But how could i have known it if I'm just now meeting you? And I followed you because i was uncertain if you were an intruder into our pack, and also, I wanted to see where you were going. I'm sorry for my disrespectful attitude, but if you saw someone who you thought might be trespassing on pack territories, would you have treated them with respect? If you are unsure if someone is friend or foe, treat them like a foe, so you are always on guard." Itzal knew the man would not calm down so easily, but that was fine, Itzal might act cocky and arrogant, but he was truly very intelligent and was good with words.

Itzal smiled to himself. "Now who is intruding on whose business. I came to Inferni because I wanted a home. And i thought this would be a good one. I believed that this pack was strong and smart. So I figured it would be good for me to join. If you have a problem with me being a member, then I do not know what to tell you. I'm here to stay I believe."

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