Shadow Girl
OOC here: XDD you keep taking a little bit more off as I don't make a reply, so I'm going to reply before your post becomes, '"So what do you want to talk about?" J'adore asked.' XDD EDITED, less than a minute after posting.

I'm thin?

Valinta asked in an odd tone. Where she was from, thinness was bad. You wanted to be strong. Not thin, not fat, but the right place in between, where you could be at your peak in winter and in summer, and anywhere. Of course, some of the people in the pack had prices put on them by other packs, and it had become to the point that if they were captured to kill them if their escape was impossible. So that ensured that people would keep strong and wary, and good at their assigned talents. Valinta supposed she would have a price on her head by the new leaders of the pack, as the escaped princess. But that no longer mattered, did it? She was safe in Halifax.
It is lovely... Valinta sighed in agreement. It was wonderful to be just lying on the ground, not doing anything. Not that Valinta actually had anything to do. Living in a tree where most people were afraid to climb sans ladder had its perks. Like not having to clean until her stuff almost fell out of the doorway. And she didn't really have a talent other than dancing, anyway, except for espionage, as she was trained for as a child.
And they didn't really have a 'stalker' or 'spy' co-rank at Cercatori. Which kind of sucked, as Valinta kicked major butt at stalking and spying. It was an off day when someone noticed her, and she usually played her false personality to make them think she wasn't following them. And it worked.
Valinta turned over and looked at J'adore. What do you think your spirit guide will be? she asked, trying to start a conversation to fill the silence that was actually very pleasent, as silences went.

Valinta Speaks

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