a touch of life

It's okay, I suck too! <33 SSWM:814

The girl was absorbed in her drawing, occasionally fiddling with the scene, adding or removing objects from it, deciding which way it looked best on paper. Several times, she crinkled her nose, erased a few parts, and then redrew them. In the end, it didn't look as she had hoped it would, and so she erased it all and began messing with the scene again.

Her lithe, tawny frame weaved between the spiked skulls and several lying on the ground, adjusting their position to best fit her modifications. Once she was satisfied, she stook back, yellow eyes surveying her work. She smiled, a small smile, and took another hearty drag from the joint.

In the distance, she heard a curious jingling, one that sounded almost like bells from this far. Dark ears twitched towards the source and she froze in place, listening as they approached. Her body was relaxed; she assumed that no one who meant harm would announce their presence so clearly, and so she had no reason to worry.

As the man neared, the tawny Lykoi girl turned to meet his figure. He was covered in all manner of objects, and Sage's straw-colored eyes studied his adornments: bones of all sorts, from many animals, pouches, a necklace of feathers, and a staff, which he carried.

This strange man was a few inches taller than Sage, but his coloring was similar. He bore the resemblance of a coyote, she ascertained; his colors were similar to hers(with some additions), as were his wonderfully large ears. She was immediately attracted by his strange charm. Maybe it was his coyote heritage, maybe it was his dress. Maybe it was the fact that he wasn't related to her; at least, she hoped.

Nothing but a smile greeted this stranger as he approached Sage. Being affected by the high as she was, she did not immediately greet him, and instead stood there with a hazy, dreamy look on her face. When he spoke, she seemed to return to their reality, for a moment.

"Lemme guess, I can't cross 'ere?" he spoke, a strange accent coating his speech.

Sage's eyes narrowed briefly, a look of confusion coming over her face. She had nearly forgotten where she was. Then, realizing what he meant, her eyes widened, mouth parted slightly as she took in a very small gasp.

"Oh! Well... You can cross all you like, if I'm the one you ask." Sage spoke gently, her serene voice traveling just far enough between them as her eyes met his.

The girl thought it rude to disallow certain visitors to Inferni like some members liked to do. She would happily associate with anyone; if anything, she wanted to help improve Inferni's repertoire. This hybrid was clearly a large majority coyote, however, and would not be as looked down upon as some others might, should they find her with him. The petite Earth child did not worry about this, however; she was simply glad to have company. Maybe he would appreciate her work.

"If a stranger can't cross, at least give 'im a puff, eh?" he asked, motioning towards the smoking joint between her fingers.

Sage nodded, taking another small puff before passing it to the man.

"Always, mister." the girl grinned; she would not deny the opportunity to have a smoking partner. "I am happy to share."

Once again her yellow eyes explored his outfit; she was intrigued by all of his baubles and knick-knacks. She idly pushed a strand of dark brown, wavy hair away from her face as she walked close to him, meaning to inspect his objects. A small, light brown hand reached out to touch the various, her eyes glancing upward, making sure it was alright. She liked the pouches; she knew how to make them, too, but his ability obviously exceeded hers. Her current clothing was made from a simple skin, not colored or made interesting in any way, aside from being fit to her form. This man stood out.

Sage straightened up, her eyes wandering around to his back, where a decorated skull was perched.

"Wow," she said in a quiet, impressed voice.

He also carried a small instrument that looked much like a guitar, painted in a similar fashion as the skull, but with different colors. The name of this escaped her, but it didn't matter now.

"You painted these yourself, then?" she said, peering closer to them.

She hadn't had much opportunity to work with paints; their supply had been very limited in Juniper Peace, but she had always been eager to try them. If she could create lovely pieces like his, well, she wanted to play.

Had she not introduced herself yet? Apologetically, she did so now.

"Oh, apologies...My name is Sage River Lykoi." she stated with a dreamy, warm smile, her eyes half-lidded and turned up to him as a small hand extended to hopefully meet his.

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