Of Mice and Men (or wolves and rats)
'Your welcome, that was Low-Speech' J'adore announced proudly. 'I could teach you if you like? But with the look of them clouds, we should find shelter first...' He smiled. He had ordered the squirrel away before this female ate him. He had then greeted the squirrel, who was as hushed as it's master. J'adore tought many times about aquiring a pet. But Fuerte was enough to keep him on his toes, damn horse... He didn't mind teaching again. Axelle learnt quickly, but Vata would want rest, so this lesson was just him, Voron and the rat. He had never spoken to anything larger than Vata apart for Fuerte and maybe the odd bear, tiger or lion. Actually the only things he never spoke to was Elk. Especially the ones he intended to eat. And the rabbit he had caught... he was clambering over a boulder when he spotted it below. Poor thing didn't have a chance. Coaxing himself from his mind he asked with pure intrest, 'What pack do you come from?' She must have been from further away. He mentally made a list of where she had not come from: Crimson Dreams, Inferni, AniWaya and Cercatori D'Arte. So that left Anathema, Pheonix Valley, Cours de Miracles and Dahlia de Mai. Her accent wasn't far off Vee's, so she was probably of soviet origin.

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