[M] -- Oh, you did not just go there...!

OOC haha Oops! Apology not accepted! Gives us more to to do later. Wink wc 701

“Apologize to him? I have nothing to apologize for,” she sneered at the thought. What was wrong with this woman? Why couldn't she understand that Shawchert, their alpha, was perfectly capable of making his own decisions and could take responsibility for his actions. Nothing that had happened last night was thanks to either one of them, but was a mutual agreement between both of them. It had been beautiful, for what it was. When she left Shawchert's house early that morning she fancied herself the alpha's lover, but now she realized that it was not so. She and her friend had comforted each other in a primeval way. It was beautiful. And that was all it was ever going to be.

She watched as Sky's expression mutated as the reality of the situation began to set in and overtake her rage. Now she was finally starting to think clearly. Unfortunately it was too late, so much damage had already been done. Not only physical, but a rift had been ripped open in the pack bonds. Orin relaxed slightly as she watched the fight fade from Sky's eyes, but she did not brave a step towards the girl. She did not care to, she wanted to be as far away from her as possible. Whatever drove her to this madness, even if it had been in the name of love, was no excuse for it. Orin had been just as willing to fight back, too, and would have gladly kept up the battle had it not been for the thought. Whatever was in Sky, even if it truly was dying out now, was a thing she did not want any part in, and it showed in the way she looked at the Katruk woman.

Finally her posture shifted as she grew certain that Sky's words were genuine, and she relaxed and stood up straight again. Now another feeling washed over her and she felt the onslaught of tears sting her eyes. She blinked against them, hating herself in that moment for wanting to cry. She was so angry, so embarrassed, so afraid. This was not how it was supposed to be!

She grinded her teeth together and tried to keep steady, holding back the torrent of emotion that threatened to to overwhelm her. Orin heard Sky's apology but had no forgiveness for the woman. When Sky said something about her back, the Takekuro woman reached over her shoulder and felt the wetness there. When she brought her hand back blood covered her pads. She knew she had been cut but in her anger had hardly felt the scratches until now. She looked down at her hand a moment, her eyes going dark, and then she shook her head and looked back at Sky. “No. No. You're not touching me.” She said in a low, measured voice. It was not fearful, only maddened and emotive. “I wouldn't trust you to tend my wounds. I'd sooner dig out my eyes. I can do it myself.”

Sky had seen the pointlessness of the fight and the damage it would do to the pack, but sadly it had come too late. It was clear by the look on Orin's face that she meant what she said. She was no longer trying to antagonize Sky with empty words; a true ripple had started Orin meant what she said.

“You can spare me your advice,” she said, still shaking her head. “It's worthless coming from you. If there are going to be pups, and you caused them harm, I don't care if I am only his friend... something tells me it wouldn't be me you'd have to worry about.”

With that she turned and headed off. She made a wide arc around Sky that looked to be far more out of revulsion than out of any residual fear. She ignored the man that she knew was in the tree, not even glancing to see his reaction to all this, she simply stalked towards her bookstore and slipped inside. The door slammed behind her, and shortly thereafter came the sound of wood scraping on floorboards as Orin barricaded her door and locked herself inside.

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