-M-When the phone rings we all wake up.

She could smell that smell on him, that smell of coyote. The same smell of the poor soul that lost their life in the lands. She knew that the coyote belonged to the Inferni clan; she was not going to give out more information then what was needed to keep this meeting ending on a smooth note. Odds of that happening, probably not much if there was even any to being with. Eyes watched at the dark male stepped out from the shadows, with an evil sick grin. So sick it took everything that she did have inside of her not to shudder. Blue eyes narrowed at him as he spoke, all points that he spoke of was good, damn good! They were both being a loyal being to there packs and the leaders that allowed them the chance to live in them. ”Who’s to say that I didn’t kill ‘em? Scents can be misleading.” She would take her life and lay it down for her sister; Pontiac had nothing to lose if he killed her right here right now. However her sister had a lot more to lose. A pack, children, sisters, so much more than her.

Shifting around she raised a brow looking at the white teeth that shimmered from the smile upon the black coyote. ”Seems we both want was best for our pack families hmm?” To tell where her pack was located or even the name of it was foolish. ”Besides us Chimera wolves stick….Whoops! Crap! Forget I said that.” She hoped that would fool the coyote, it was a pack keyword was a pack and it was a pack that both sisters lived in for a short while. It was not a long stay but it was still the name of the pack that the two of them where in.

Tan fingers moved with a rush to her mouth as she covered it shaking, like she had committed such a horrid crime of letting out the name of the pack. Trying to hide the smile that was on her face, she lost it as she busted out into a fit of laughter. ”You that stupid?! Thinking I would give you that information so freely. You coyote really are fools after all aren’t you?” So she was mean but with getting the ebony male mad it might get his mind off what really happened and trying to figure out really who it was. ”If it helps, I can tell you how I did it.” She smirked as her sapphire eyes shimmered madly looking at his golden ords daring him to ask questions so she could answer them in the most cold hearted way she could dream of, just to make sure that no one went after her sister. No one harms a hair on any member with in her pack, that ways a sure fire way to get hurt. However to harm one of Pontiac’s own blood family members that was a sure fire way to get killed. Now she truly understood why Naniko done what she had done to that coyote.

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