i'm never growing up
ooc;; Any questions? Okay, so make sure you post up who your wolf is aiming for and this should go without hiccup! Could I please ask for a little more punctuality this round? Try and get your replies up by 21st January so we can get this thread going quickly! ^^

Green eyes looked on in excitement as his plan appeared to be working. There was something quite satisfying about coming up with something and then actually following through with it. However, disappointment flashed in his eyes as Gideon's dark form failed to make itself known. But his niece and nephew were there so his brother must not be looking after them. He was certain he had called through Gideon's door this morning on his way out and that his brother had grunted back at him. Maybe he was still asleep- Gideon was known for beign asleep most of the time. He tried to push it aside and it was successfully pushed away when Aschers two-toned form came into view. Saul gave a smile towards his youngest brother before allowing the sounds of the teaming wolves wash over him.

He heard Conor talking to Maggie and Saul gave a little chuckle. He remembered meeting Maggie for the first time in St Pepin's Vineyard and then again near her home. She was a sweet child, full of energy and curiosty. He was distracted when the pale japanese female came out with a neat folding chair. She set herself up with a large mug of tea and a blanket and a smile was flashed in her direction. Layla and Melee had arrived at the same time and Layla addressed her team. He hoped she had figured out who was to make a break for Magnolia, else nobody would. The morning was nice and bright and as the teams settled to face each other Saul moved forward.

He was quick in his work, moving around to the smaller ones and tieing a sturdy leaf to each of their left legs. It only took a moment to do each of them and Saul backed away quickly as he felt the tension building. Wolves thrived on competition and this game was certainly based on competition. Green eyes flashed as he watched and waited for a moment. They would do fine with this game if they only went for one person of the other team. Conor would probably go for Layla, Ascher was likely to aim for the thin Shayna, Melee was surely going to go for her brother, which left Glaiven on Layla's team to go for Maggie. Or thats how Saul would have done it, had he played. Taking a deep breath he tried to make eye contact once with Ascher before speaking.

"Play fair guys! Ready... Set... Go!"

He barked, tail flickering back and forward as green eyes settled over the area to see how this panned out. If this game was succesful, he might suggest it again to the copper and gold leader that had been so enthusiastic about the game.

word count;; 458



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