[M]Shatter my heart

OOC here: Table & Coding © Fae; 393 words

He watched the female give into his will. It was something hat he was used to. After all he could be quite the charmer. It wouldn't be another fell for his words. Though he hadn't spoken a lie. He had mean everything that he had said. It wasn't just lines to get her to allow him to do as he wished, though they served that purpose as well. He really did find her to be beautiful. And afterward, if she wanted to, he would show her the way back to Cercatori D'Arte should she desire to stay there. That was entirely her choice if she wished to join though.

Once she was laying down he shifted and moved around so that he could mount her. "You smell wonderful." The words were murmured out as he was once again inhaling her scent. There was always something about the scent of the lupus form that just got to him. It just made him desire it even more than he did. But he wasn't a cretin and so he wouldn't act savagely even if it almost pained him to hold himself back. No, he had been taught better than that. He only received pleasure if his partner did.

He made to try and lick at her again as he gently settled his weight over her own, though he tried to make sure that she was comfortable. After all it wasn't like he was trying to crush her with his weight or trying to force her to remain in place since she had already given herself over to him. No, he had done so in order to be able to wrap his forelegs around the female's body so that he might hold her close as he finally made to penetrate her. He wanted to make this as quick and painless for her as possible, wanting her to only feel the pleasure of the coupling of bodies in this act of intimacy. He was fulfilling the work of the gods and passing on his gift of luperci to her. Though of course he wasn't the type to knot. He didn't want to be stuck in place for half an hour after everything was over with, that would just be uncomfortable. No, he only intending on doing his job and then pulling out enough to keep from getting stuck.

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