into the depths

469 WC

Itzal releazed he was probably being kind of ignorant and bitchy. And figured he should apologize. He was just so use to being on his own, he was not use to submitting and being respectful. He really had to work on it and he had just gotten unlucky by running into someone who expected him to be all respectful and admire him when Itzal just was not ready for that. So Itzal figured he would meet him halfway. But first he watched the man and listened to his responses.

Itzal noticed the ear twitch as a movement out of the corner of his eye and smiled to himself from it. This old coyote sure was easy to get a rise out of. Then Itzal noticed him grow at his words and then It seemed like Kesho snapped at him for what he said. Itzal might be good with people, but he was defintly not good at being respectful and submissive. He stopped walking and decided he might as well get it over with.

"Look. I know I can be pretty rude, and Obnoxious. And ignorant, and arrogant, and pretty stupid at times. But it is mostly just the way I am. I grew up away from any other pack then my family, And the one pack I lived in after that, I lived in a week.....and in that week I was abused, beat, and used. But none of it broke me and it made me more determined then ever never to submit. Then I lived on my own for the most part, looking out for myself, until I ended up here." Itzal sighed, confessing basically the vague parts of his life story. "So yeah, I'm disrespectful and I do not submit very well. I am not use to admitting I am wrong and that I do not know everything. So sorry, I will work on it, but in the mean time, please, do not take to much offence from what I say and do. After Itzal said that he sighed again and then put his smirkish smile back on "I came from a jacked up pack of crazy wolves who believed that they should only be purebred, and where my family was killed and my uncle's pack abused me until I ran away, then wandered, and came here. I honestly do not know the name of the place the pack was at. I would have to see a map of the U.S to show you. And I would rather move on from my past, so I do not really remember the name of the pack I was in." He yawned and started walking again, listening to the sounds in the caves. Itzal perferred the forest anyday, but he had to be honest. This place was very interesting.

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