Back in the swing

WC: 208 OOC: OMG same amount of words… shaw is genius!

His words set her off, he couldn’t help but grin at the girls’ excitement! She started tittering off into what she needed, and what to do it took Shawchert a simple hand gesture to get her to stop, she did though she looked at him with her puppy dog eyes and his heart instantly melted. It was all he could do not to scoop her up and give her everything she every wanted.

Relax, you just have to prove yourself is all… Though I do hope there are no injuries in the pack that are dire, but even though I know you are capable, you will need the pack to know.

He explained, though it hurt him so much to deny her this rank right away, but he stood by the rules he made, or the pack wouldn’t trust him, only think he played favorites. He only knew of the time she helped Valinta but whatever else was the case, he needed more proof, even if the young girl had only twisted her ankle, he could see the professionalism that Sky had used. It was what they needed, and even though she didn’t have the title now she could still be the unofficial one until she proved herself.

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