Of Mice and Men (or wolves and rats)
'I'd love to teach you, I've just been teaching Axelle' J'adore said happily. He did not know if the two females had met, but he decided not to explain. The two made their way swiftly to the duo of rocks. 'Hmm, I've been in my birthpack, mind you it wasn't a real pack... Crimson Dreams, for a while and now a proud AniWayan! his voice rose slightly at the end. As she take him for the offer of a lesson, he smiled again, 'No problem'. Voron spoke of her rat, J'adore elevated a hand to the animals neck and gave it a quick stroke. She was an intresting colour, grey hooded. The only rats J'adore knew of with the colouring, we're the domestic desended. 'Domestic desended?' he questioned relaxing against the rock. Cold white flakes whipped around, like boats in the sea. J'adore, despite the horrid weather, was happy to teach. He'd taught Nian, Axelle and most young in his pack, it was in his blood. It was, in his eyes, his duty to teach others, due to his literacy skills. He took his bag of and set it aside. The wind didn't make much noise, so it was easy to converse. J'adore wasn't used to this weather, living most of his life in the warmer parts of Europe, but it didn't mean he wasn't adapatble, no. He was wearing a thick scarf, cargos shorts and an human army style jacket, he was only wishing he had something to cover his choclate black rimmed ears.

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