We Are One

OOC here: Table & Coding © Noelle; 340 words

Sele had no idea that she was being watched. If she did then she would have felt more wary and unsettled than she was. But for now she was perfectly content. She knew that home was just a short distance away. That if she ended up needing help then it could get there rather quickly. That all she had to do was to send up a quick howl and someone would hear her and come directly to her aide. Not that it made her feel good to always have to depend on others. Actually, she felt rather useless because of that. And such was why she was busy trying to practice what it was that she had been taught.

She reached a hand over to the mink that had made itself known to her in order to let the creature sniff it. "I'm not going to hurt you. I only want to talk." She spoke to the animal, sticking to low speech in order to communicate with the other. "I am trying to learn your language so that we can speak freely." She added on so that the mammal would understand why it had been called for. Why Selene was sitting out when it was approaching dark and calling for whoever might be around. She wasn't very talented with the language yet but she was learning. She had committed what she had been taught to memory and was trying it out now.

The mink came over to sniff at her hand before chattering animatedly. The words that were spoken had Selene laughing and shaking her head. "Slower please? I only know a few phrases right now." The tilted its head almost as if the animal couldn't seem to understand what was being said. This cause the female to frown and think over her limited knowledge before trying again. "Know a little bit not a lot." This phrasing seemed to work better as the mink had righted its head and when it spoke next it didn't seemed to speak as fast.


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