[J] Trespassing Puppy Style
WC: 377
Wooh! "Ayule" = child Smile

The girl responded as if out of sleep, her eyes opening only a little before they were wide open and she repeated one of his names. He stared at her for that short moment, dumbfounded, for she repeated the name again with the title of 'uncle'. What in the world was this? Finally she gave a name, though it made no connections in the male's mind. Beginning a smile, the girl suddenly added his own surname to the bunch of names, and he realized something he did not understand. Whose was she? The last he had seen of his siblings, none of them had children, most hadn't even had mates (some of them were so damn slow). They were 6 altogether, and he had been the first to mate with Mischka. Some had followed with courtships but none had settled; it would seem that in his absence at least one of them had found heir senses. The fact that she apparently was his niece, yet out here alone (it was not like his siblings to leave a child unattended), could only increase his worry. His face betrayed him and displayed it openly, because while he cared for every living thing and adored children, he had grown up with his siblings, and some he had even helped raise. Dawali drew is breath to urge her to tell him the story when she did by herself, speaking the name of someone he didn't know. She squirmed as she spoke, though Dawali's arms were long and did their best to hold her tight. She was much too cold and little to venture out there alone right now. "Calm down, ayule." he urged, hoping she would listen. "You can show me where she is if you promise to stay tucked. It is far too cold, and I don't want you to become ill. I will do the walking and you can tell me where to go." Illness from cold could be the ords of things to treat if it was serious enough. Many died from not having enough respect for Winter. Stepping outside, Dawali grabbed his medic pouch on the way and tried to keep her from getting out of his embrace. She could probably point, or recognize this "Meda"'s scent.


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