time consumer

Rawr :3

I'm not for you, you're not for me;
I'll kill you first, you wait and see

Time was a measurement, a constant, a source of repetition and continuous change: it summed up his experience quite nicely, too. He could account for the number of fights easily, recount their rough length, and the time ago. Such a simple measurement could prove so useful, and in this case, he suspected that it would be what allowed for him to do some damage. If anything, he took all he knew from past fights and tried to combine his knowledge, analyze his enemy and apply what he knew. With every fight he fought, he learned something. This time, however, he knew not only from past fighting how to fight in general, but how to fight this boy specifically.

He recalled the last time they had fought with ease: they boy had hesitated for a few moments, and had run away in the end. He was a coward, and he did not want to be hurt, but Hybrid suspected there was more to it. There had to be; no one could be so one-dimensional. Hybrid had to account for other pervading qualities, other ulterior motives.

Hybrid knew he would need to utilize his Secui form if he wished to win. He was undeniably small for his age and gender, and his Secui form gave him an advantage over other coyotes in their Lupus form. It was the extra bulk he possessed while in his Secui form that allowed him to hold on, to bear down on Andrezej. Hybrid opened his jaws and attempted to grab some fur, take some skin and meat off. He clamped down with his claws, aiming to hold on and bite the boy's neck in two.

Andrezej fell, taking Hybrid with him, but still he held on. The boy started to kick, and Hybrid twisted and writhed, trying to inflict as much pain as he could, to do as much damage as possible. He yanked viciously, putting some distance between the two. "You're disgusting. You attack coyotes, your own kind instead of going after those wolves. You're a traitor; I know exactly what I'm doing." He snarled madly, lowering himself, and moving to attack once more, warily stalking the boy.


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