[J] Trespassing Puppy Style
Poor confused Dawali; 505 words

How could he recognize the name when he had been gone from the Great Tribe for years and she was only a few months old. It wasn't unusual that he didn't know about her. But she knew of him because his sister had spoken fondly of him. It was no wonder that she would practically worship him with what she had been told about him. No amount of persuasion could change her mind. It was why her mother had to finally give in and let her go on this journey. Sakari had a strong will and heart. When she set her mind to something she was determined to accomplish the task. Her mother also knew that she would be well taken care of. That her uncle would watch over her and care for her. Sakari's sickly younger brother could have also played a part in the decision as well. Through the many visits of the medicine woman he hadn't gotten better. It was thought that to keep her safe and alive that she may need to be separated from her brother just in case his condition would spread.

His words had her stilling her movements though she couldn't exactly say that she was happy about it. She had to get back to Meda. She couldn't just leave her friend out there all alone. She had been away far too long already. Anything could have happened in her absence. What if Meda had woken up and had gone to look for her? No, they had to hurry. "We have to hurry." She looked up at her uncle with pleading eyes. She couldn't let Meda stay by herself. Come to think of it, Meda's spirit guide had been quiet the day before. It was this companion that had led them on their journey, that had helped them to find the tribe where Sakari's uncle was.

"The south, we came from the south. We didn't make it to the borders yet because Meda thought that we should rest for the night and sleep. She was worried about the weather and that it would get too bad to continue should we have had tried to complete the journey at night." She explained the situation to Dawali as she was being carried. "There, out there." She lifted a paw to point with, motioning towards the area past the borders where the snow had piled up. It was still a distance from the border but it could be spotted at least. The area probably would have never been looked in should no one have known that they were out there. And well no one did know. It wasn't as if Dawali had expected their approach. Sakari could have stayed out there and yelled all she wanted to and it wasn't likely help would have come. It wasn't as if the girl had the strongest voice around, not since she was one to raise it often. She was a sweeter and quieter young thing. She didn't like yelling and fussing and fighting.


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