Time To Talk

Demi listened with a quiet interest in her mother’s words. Her ears could hear her heartbeat and the little flutter it held when she spoke of her own experiences with motherhood. Something felt jealous about that feeling within her, Demi was starting to think she wanted her own children now, and she couldn’t help but smile at the idea that one day she would. Whether that was 5 years from now who could say. But for now she was content to live out her days as she wanted to. No children to dictate her actions like JuJu dictated her mothers. The connection with her younger brother had never been made; she felt no love for him, even though she knew he was her kin. Demi knew she should love her little brother but even when she looked upon his little form she felt that disconnect. Maybe she’d have to try better, the little boy could grow up to become a playmate of both Ouija’s and hers later on, or maybe she’d leave him be so he wouldn’t grow up with a twisted moral code that her Ouija and she shared.

Demi nuzzled her mother lovingly, very much acting like the little puppy she once was. Happy to be able to share a moment of love with her mother that no one else would see. Demi never showed her loving side much, she could love eternally to people but her own mind wouldn’t allow others to see what she perceived as a weakness to her reputation. Especially if she still wanted people to fear her, because fear was all she really had to protect herself from the more able bodied wolves of the pack and in the surrounding areas. Was she really as rotten as people often thought her, she would never let anyone other than Ouija and her mother know.

“I think you’re the best mother a girl could ever have mom” she said softly, loving always to bury her muzzle in her soft fur and enjoy the comfort she often gave. There would come a time however when such things where just words and even now she wondered if this case was such an example. Demi had grown to a taller stature then her mother and even out matched her size wise which was a very seldom occasion. Demi shared her mother’s traits, small slender and beautiful, and an addled mind to go along with it. Somehow she often wondered what traits of her father’s she had received. Was it the soft browns and silvers in her coat, or her taller body, she could never tell. What she did know is that her heart could be just as big as her mother’s if she allowed it to be.

“I hope we find Ouija mom, I miss being together.” She stated softly.

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