Inject Me Sweetly

yay happiness

Today was quite a break in her normal duties for the young woman. She was again for the second time in a year roam around in her wolf form. The little petite wolf frame of hers was far better suited to roam around in the snowy weather and pounce rabbits and or mice for some form of food. It was a brief respite from the eternal boredom she often suffered in the winter. She had patched up Azalea a few weeks ago, the poor girl had really bitten off more than she could chew but even now she felt something toward the woman. She wasn’t sure what it was, curiosity or just blind adoration but the girl really intrigued Demi and she’d have to continue further observations. Now though a small rabbit hung between her teeth, the cute little wolf looked even more adorable as she raised her head up looking around wondering if anyone saw her conquest. She rather enjoyed other people hunting for her and she didn’t want others to know she could provide for herself if she grew hungry enough. Demi didn’t want to admit that she had become rather good at hunting in the snow lately, her body perfectly suited for such endeavors. Just big enough she could rear up above the snow and nimble enough that she could pounce in silence at whatever was under the snow trying to deny her maw their flesh.

And so seeing no one she plopped down in the snow to fill her stomach with her catch. Hungry as she was she still ate carefully as to not make a mess of herself, like Ouija would usually do. Finished quickly though she buried the kill under a drift of snow to keep it from spoiling, she’d come back later to finish it off. Then she was off tail held triumphantly in air behind her as she trotted back to the caves. There were rumors of a visitor around and she secretly hoped it was her brother, but so far she hadn’t really heard who it was. He’d probably do a double take to see her in this form, knowing how much she detested running around on four legs but knowing it couldn’t be him she didn’t bother to shift as she trotted into the cave system.

Finally she rounded a corner toward her hole in the wall and a peculiar scent crossed her nose. No it couldn’t be, again she brushed off the hope that it was the person she wanted it to be, and reasoned it was someone that just smelled familiar to him. She shook her pelt in front of the doorway to rid herself of the snow that had clung to it and to not dirty up the pelts, blankets and pillows that were strewn across her den. Blue eyes looked in her room as that scent flooded her nose, her head swiveled in curiosity as her eyes had yet to adjust to the darker room. Someone was in her room, and that someone smelt very familiar, but all reason behind who it was, was left in turn to address why someone would be in her room.

A frustrated growl escaped her lips as she stood at the door. Unable to quite clearly see who it was , the scent told her who it was but she didn’t believe it. Finally her eyes focused enough for her to glimpse the form and her legs acted on auto pilot, along with the change to two legs as it all happened in one big jump. Her form was carried to her brothers even as her back legs lengthened out into long well defined legs, her front paws became lithe arms and her pawns enveloped his face.

“OUIJA!” she exclaimed in happiness wanting to shower his riddled body with attention and long pent up sexual angst as well.

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