Dirty Laundry

ooc;; rawr!

Blue eyes were alight in the afternoon sun. A soft mist had encased the small forest in the Anatheman territory and the sun had just broken through the wall of clouded moisture. Although the warrior never had a eye for beauty, when he had exited the cave system this afternoon he had been struck by the oddness that had filled him in seeing the sight. Snow blanketed the slope down from the entrances of their home, unbroken mostly by the pawsteps of their family. The trees were shrouded but the mist was orange hued from the blazing sun that was trying to fight through. As the young warrior watched, a few dozen birds took flight, turning this way and that in the unspoken command of their leader. That was how it should be- there was no motion, no squawk that indicated they should turn. They moved with such a rhythm that they didn’t need the signals.

The snorting and nervous breaths of a horse caught the mans attention. He didn’t know if any of their own family had a horse of their own yet and therefore he deduced it was a stranger. His shifting form was almost a blur as he stood on two legs, strapping his dagger into the ankle band covered by the long trousers that he had found not too long ago. His chest was bare as he padded slowly down the slope. He should have known that they wouldn’t stop. The fresh incident of the intruding coyote, and therefore the dead coyote, should have put his mind on full alert. But perhaps he was conditioned into thinking that people actually respected other peoples boundaries. The horse had come to a stop and Teddy watched as the pale lady scented the air, a look of confusion crossed her face. She obviously hadn’t known this was a territory. Perhaps she should have paid more attention to where she was.

Strong muscled body rippled with power as he approached the horse and rider. Although his lips quivered with the need to defend his home he knew from her expression that she had not meant to trespass. Still, there was a stranger in his land and he had learnt from experience that people usually just took advantage of friendliness. Maintaining a cold look in her direction he tried to keep the hostility from his voice. “You realise you are trespassing on Anatheman land…” Came his gruff voice, deep and masculine as he crossed his bulging arms over his chest, a physical barrier if there ever was one.

word count;; 427
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