Wintery riding
Lol yeah, I thought it would be fun ^^ SSWM: 546

Her gentle prodding yielded results and Nayru was silent and respectful as Niro spoke. He hadn’t needed to explain the situation to her, but he seemed to be at ease with the patchwork fairy girl and Nayru was glad that she could obtain information without ever directly asking for it. Of course, what he said was confidential and she wouldn’t tell another. There was no one to tell anyway, and if there was she rarely repeated words spoken to her. What knowledge she collected was for her own benefit, and only if it would help Dahlia de Mai did she ever dream of breaking another’s trust, and she seemed to convey that without words. Perhaps it was this silent and unassuming nature that made others open up to her so easily, but she could not explain it. She could only be glad that her presence put others at ease.

Niro spoke of the night his children were conceived and Nayru was surpised to hear that their existence had not been brought about because of love or lust but simply alcohol. Vodka. The word was not completely foreign to the girl but the substance was. None of the intoxicating liquid had ever passed her lips, but the girl knew that Dahlia de Mai was in no shortage of wines and other such liquids if she ever cared to seek them out. Yet if they caused such situations as this it was perhaps best to avoid them all together. The curiosity was there, but the motivation to experience it was lacking. At least for now.

"Ah, I am sorry that the path to your children is not more open for you, but perhaps one day you will live alongside them. " It did not seem likely anytime soon, but the Monroe lady wouldn’t have control over her children’s lives forever. Niro seemed a kind man and it would be a shame for his children never to really know him, yet Lolita was of Dahlia de Mai, and as such Nayru respected her choices and would uphold them, regardless if that conflicted with Niro’s interests. Neither children nor mother were here now, and Nayru saw no harm in continuing her conversation with Niro. After all, his presence at their border was temporary and surely such a small interaction would not anger Lolita.

She smiled at the small fact Niro offered her. Vigilante. It was a strange name, but Nayru thought it sounded lovely. Perhaps one day she would come to know the leader of Cour des Miracles, but if not at least she had his name. And Niro would have Conor’s, for it was only fair. "Conor Soul leader Dahlia de Mai. " She smiled then, the mention of the man brought pride to her heart and she didn’t wish to conceal this. Conor was a reliable leader and she was please to serve under him. "Dahlia de Mai’s territories are very diverse. We have two human towns, forest and fields. We have cliffs and shoreline and so much more. I do not believe we lack in any sort of landscape. " Her voice broke into a small thrilling laugh at the end, crimson eyes merry waiting for what Niro would come up with to match her own fact.


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