I caught them barking at the moon


White socked legs stood in the snow with the stone pot that she had used to make more than one meal for Ty when they did live together. It killed her that they where no longer a couple. She looked in the area of where the house was that they lived together in, with a sad mist in her eyes. Her mind flashed back to a time when she and the golden male lived there, as roommates that was when her feeling for the male had come to be and he was ever so kind, and ever so sweet to her. It was hard for her not to let her heart fall out to him. Fingers moved over the stone pot, as another flash back started in her mind. The day she taught him how to cook, aw the memories. That day he took off early and went hunting. The tan and white female was a member of these lands then, she got up early and she found some fresh vegetable that morning, she cleaned them, she peeled them. Then when he came home she went to work right away skinning, and draining the blood for the broth. She had made him a stew with the deer meat that he had brought back home for the two roommates at the time to share. She sighed as she moved her hand to the inside of the pot. Shaking her head and whipping away the lone tear that slowly made its way down her muzzle with a sniff. She knew she needed to suck it up and move on, he would find someone that could better love him. She would try to understand when really she knew she never could.

The snow blew with the wind as it piled around the huge stone pot that the female sort of stole, sort of took back from the male’s cabin. She felt a rush of wind, as it blew though her coat she shivered wrapping her arms around her-self as she rubbed her bear arms. A soft voice spoke to her, Pontiac gasped from the shock of being spooked out of her mind. Not only was she trespassing but to the blind eye she was also taking something from the pack. The tan and white female was well aware this was not looking good, not good at all. ”Oh..uhm..” She looked around as she tried to find someone or something that could vouch for who she was, and maybe help her out of this pickle. ”This looks really bad don’t it?” She offered a meek smile as she rubbed a finger over the lip of the pot.”I guess if you want you could help me take my pot here back to my pack.” Pontiac stepped to the side as she made a presented the huge grey stone pot that she had drugged from the cabin that she and Ty had shared. ”I use to live here. Well not here, here. But in a cabin with Ty! He’s still sort of new again. I kind of left my pot in the house that we lived in together. I swear I’m not stealing. Well okay I’m stealing. But I’m stealing what’s mine. I swear!?” She wasn’t sure what else she could say to let the Phoenix Valley pack female to see that she was not taking something that belonged to someone in the pack.

”Oh!” She rolled up onto her toes as she brought her hands together with a clap in front of her chest with a smile. ”I’m Pontiac D’Angelo!” She smiled as she let her hands drop down as she rolled off the tips of her toes. Now standing flat footed upon the snowy grounds. ” Zepar in the Anathema pack! Nice to meet you Tala Djose! How’s grumpy old Jefferson doing? Still being a grump?” She gave a chuckle as she shifted to lean against the stone pot again. She looked down into the pot seeing the few knifes that she took from the kitchen they shared then smiling back up to the female. Everything here was like a walk in memory park, however she was sure this looked just wrong to this female that said her name was Tala.

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