I caught them barking at the moon


Well, this was quite the peculiar sight now wasn't it. This was a woman she had never met before, dragging such a heavy stone pot out of the packlands whic had been apparently stolen, yet not stolen, from a home of the man named Ty. Tala wasn't exactly sure what to say, the whole siutation sort of baffled the young woman. The moment she thought she knew the words to say her mind stopped, pulling a loop and stopping to think. wait, what? To tell the truth the woman didn't look like she was out to start trouble. The woman who called herself Pontiac even seemed a bit troubled by the whole situation. This was alla bit weird, in the amber eyes of the fae. She shifted the weight on her legs as she watched the woman, mouth parted slightly as if the woreds were being debated on her tongue. "This is all..a bit odd. I cannot like about it and say I was prepared for this. You say the pot is yours, but you left it here? Aren't abandoned items just that, abandoned and no longer belonging to anyone?" Her words were a bit confused, the look radiated from her eyes. Though her tone was still kind. She was not going to snap at the woman for this. She wasn;t sure what to snap at. Clearing her throat slightly Tala watched the woman, her gaze occasionally looking down to the pot. The wind carried the scent of Phoenix Valley long lost, the mountain pack much more evident in the scent. So, if she was from Anathema, she knew just where to point if this was the wrong choice.

"Okay miss Pontiac, this is what I'm going to do. You seem to be telling the truth with what you are telling me. Your eyes don't show lies. I'll let you take your pot out of these lands." The woman seemed genuine enough, but that was not the end of her words."If I however hear that someone is missin a pot, I will surely let them know just who took it. That's fair, and surely you'll understand where I stand. I don't doubt that it may be yours, but I cannot just let people take things without knowing just who, and why." She smiled, trying not to seem to rude but her eyes showed a slight stern hue. If someone was upset over a lost pot, she had the name and the pack. Surely she'd get scolded for falling for the story if she was lying. Tala did not believe she was trying to fool her however.

The mention of Jefferson had her smiling, a nod to the question was all she gave as she let a small laugh escape her chest. Yes, the grump was still grumpy. That would never change it seemed. It gave the man character, so why should it need to change? Though Tala did not know Ty personally, she had heard of his return. There were a few new members Tala had not yet encountered. Time would fix such things. Even though Tala did not know for sure whether Pontiac was telling the truth, her gut told her she was. Someone who was stealing out of cold blood would not have that look of lost sorrow in their eyes. If she was returning to collect lost items, Tala believed it. A stone pot as heavy as that was not exactly easy to take. Not something a thief would chose to try and make their way with. It was not worth the effort it would take to retrieve it if it was not important to the person taking it. Why a pot, though? Was it surely that important? Tala was not attached to any inanimate objects, she had not yet collected anything of value here and she had taken nothing from her time was a wanderer. It must be important to her, Tala could safely assume that. Stone was not light, and the dragging marks in the snow and dirt showed just that.

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