She said her name was a hand-me down name
ooc talk

So it really was Davyn, but what on earth was he doing this far out of the pack lands at this time of night? She had just lost track of time for her return. Though he....he seemed to be here for a reason. There were candles, stones... what on earth was he doing? It was unlike anything she had seen before. Though as she approached, the way he fell to his knees it was like he was expecting her to be someone else, someone he truly respected. This whole thing she found to be...quite odd. The head of the dappled femme turned slightly to the side the moonlight made her pelt seem to glow in a darkness acquainted with the moon. Her light greys seemed black, but the lighter shades seemed to radiate light. The woman did not stop until she was at the Irishman's side. "Evening, but Davyn, what exactly are you doing out here?" Her words were soft, curiosity seeping from her tongue like water.

The owl draped around her neck seemed to disappear completely in the night.Like a ghost it would only appear if the light hit it in just the right way. Amber eyes were like fireflies. On the beach the snow was scarce, but the weather was just as unforgiving. The wind was chilling, but the sky was bright with stars. "You came an awfully long way just to see the beach. This is something more, isn't it?" Whatever it was, it was obviously important to him. What he was doing, he knew exactly just what do to it seemed.

Tala was cold, her thick winter coat had been penetrated by the wind long ago. The night was unforgiving. She so badly wanted to just get home and cuddle in her bed with the coals heated, warming her cabin to a pleasurable temperature that would set her asleep like a child to her mothers heartbeat.



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