into the depths

OOC 1155!

Itzal smiled as Kesho did not talk back to him. Maybe Itzal would just keep talking to the point he made Kesho snap. It was an appealing thought, but he sighed. He was suppose to be making nice and try to keep Kesho from hating him. He did not want to go making enemies in his own pack. At least, he did not want to just yet. He smirked to himself at the thought. But again he had to shake himself, no no no, he could not go messing this up for himself. He had made a commitment to join this pack and to get along with others. He laughed at himself on the inside, He sounded like a little kid scolding himself and giving himself a pep talk at the same time. He yawned. No matter what he thought, he never let it show on his face. He was good at wearing a mask, very good. He could not help but wonder if What he said to Kesho was only annoying because it was coming from Itzal, who had wolf blood, or if he was like this to even purebred coyotes. He did not care that some hated him cause of his birthnature. It was not something he could control, so why worry about it. He is who he is. And it made him smirk to think that ticked some people off. Maybe if they stopped worrying about him, they could work on their attitude themselves. He looked at Kesho and thought they could probably be friends. With time. But until that time came they would have to slowly work through this mutual companionship of theirs. Either way, Itzal was fine with Kesho's refusual to speak to him.

Instead of keep on pondering that, Itzal turned his thoughts to the weird noise he had heard. Maybe it was an animal. He smirked to himself as he thought about hunting it in these caves. The only thing that downed his mood was the thought of having to share the hunt with Kesho. Itzal enjoyed the thrill of the hunt, but very rarely hunted with others. He was faster, quieter, and smarter when he was alone. But either way, it did not matter, he still loved the hunt. Then he thought about how the sound did not seem to be moving. If it was an animal, maybe it was hurt. The part of Itzal that mostly enjoyed the thrill growled disinterested now. An easy kill? No fun, we need a challenge, one that when we do kill them, was taste their blood for days after. Itzal growled at himself for the thoughts to shut up. It was not like he heard the voice in his head, it was more like he felt what it thought and understood it, like he was watching another canine's boby laungage and was dechyphering what it meant. He closed his eyes and pushed that part of him down. He did not need it affecting him when he was with Kesho, as if he did not have enough on his hangs. Itzal noticed the Antelope skeleton himself. He walked over to it and bent down, grabbing one of the bones in his jaw he snapped it, to releave some stress and frustration at what the other part of him had implied. It felt good to feel the bone being crushed beneath his powerful jaw. Then he shook himself and started following Kesho again.

Itzal nodded when Kesho said to be quiet. It was not like he had to tell Itzal, he had already been making almost no noise other then his talking, which he was done with now. Itzal slowly crept behind Kesho, Smiling to himself at what they might find. Maybe these cavers were just haunted, or maybe it was an animal like he had thought. His smile grew as they kept getting closer and closer. Kesho was moving slowly, and Itzal closed his eyes, hearing the sound echo through the caves, and kept his breathing calm, he opened his eyes and inhaled, trying to catch a sent if he could. But unfortantly the tunnels and caves were old and held a smell of dust and rot that clogged his nose, keeping him from defining any real smell, but he cuold detect just a small thing that stood out from the dust and rot, a smell of a living creature, one that he could not put a name to. He looked ahead, trying to make out anything he could, as they took their time in approaching it. Treating the weird sound as if it were their prey. He watched as the Red eyed coyote turned to him, as if to check he was still there, and nodded at Itzal, as if to confirm that they were indeed going to go ahead and find the source of the sound. Itzal nodded back slightly. He was itching to have his curiousty dowsed, but he knew that if you rushed, you could easily make a mistake, so he forced himself to take his time and concentrate. Keeping himself calm was easy, after years of pratice, and he walked clamly and levely the few feet to discover what it was that had attracted his and Kesho's attention.

Itzal wondered if him and Kesho would find anything new. And he was also curious as to what Kemo planned on doing to whatever they found. Maybe they would kill it, something Itzal had absolutly no objection to. He would happily kill anything they found. Or maybe Kesho was planning on keeping whatever it was, and taking it back to the pack. He was not sure if Kesho was the kind to keep pets. He knew that he himself was not. He had seen others with them though, and understood their comfort in the mutual companionship some of the brought.But Itzal himself cuold never see himself relying on something he saw as prey, and that he would constantly want to hunt and kill. He shrugged at it, if Kesho wanted to keep it then He guess it was Kesho's choice. What ever 'it' is. If it was up to Itzal, he would probably examine whatever it was closely, then play with it a little, just a little, and kill it. He would rather hunt it, but if it was stuck or trapped, he figured playing would be as good. He knew that some parts of him were sick, but it was what he did. It helped keep the part of him that constantly thristed for death happy, and gave him some food, so it was a win win. He looked up from where he had been looking. Snapping out of his thoughts as he waited for Kesho to go forward, and then Itzal would follow. He figured it was some sign of respect, letting Kesho go first, but either way Itzal did not care who went first.

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