Small Steps
OOC: XD Awww!

'No, not Italy. It's called Spain and its right next to Italy' J'adore corrected. He'd been to Italy, Taranto and Maranello in fact, the latter being where he got his car. 'I walked some of the way and ran some of it too'. The cub seemed excited about meeting him, even though she had never heard of him and with her snarling reception at his arrival he guessed he had won her over, provoking him to ask, 'So do you still want to see me off?' he hoped she didn't, despite the age gap, he was finding this a very enjoyable conversation. He had forgotten about the cold, as if Fia’s enthusiasm had radiated through the air. Another lock of black fell into his eye line; he swept his paw up and places it behind his ear. It wasn’t too long, not long enough to tie back, but long enough to annoy him. He made a small coughing sound, clearing his throat, hoping it wasn’t another cough. He had been near the ash and smokes due to his rank and had gained a slight cough over his membership. But he wouldn’t give it up for anything, perhaps for his friends.

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