We Are One

OOC here: Table & Coding © Noelle; 746 words

She didn't think to worry about her surroundings since she was still near her pack. Who would be foolish enough to mess with someone when the borders of a pack could be smelled nearby. That would be like suicide in her mind. It would be silly to even try that. So no, she didn't think to worry at all. After all everyone was just a call away. And even more than that, the pack was her family. Those that weren't D'Angelo by birth were made D'Angelo's through a blood sharing ceremony. So in one form or another she lived in a pack that consisted only of family. How many others could say that as well? That they lived with no one but family. She had no idea of any other pack that did that. She knew of nowhere else where the part of being family was put first. Rather than just being separate wolves that lived in the same area they made sure that they were all family. And family stuck together through everything. It brought them closer than all those other in the other packs. They were all blood. And unlike with the others once you are blood you are allowed t return should you ever lose your way without having to be interviewed all over again. Because that is just what family did. They welcomed you back with open arms. And that is what made them different from all of the other packs in the area.

It seemed that the mink was a rather chatty little one. Which certainly worked for Sele's practice session. She needed one that was willing to talk if she was going to learn to communicate. She listened as it spoke up and questioned her. It asked about where she lived and she pointed in the direction of the borders that were behind her. "Back that way. Just settled here not long ago. We call it Anathema." She gave the creature the information that it was looking for and more. But apparently not enough since it still wanted to know more about the pack and why the canines couldn't be seen. "We live underground. We stay in caves beneath the ground." This answer seemed to work well enough for the mink nodded it's head agreeably. It even mentioned that it liked to sleep underground because it was warmer in the winter and protected from the snow. And that was something that Sele would have to agree with. While she was down in the caves she had never once worried about the weather outside. When she was inside she had never wondered what it was like outside. But then again she preferred staying inside rather than going out anyways.

The mink got closer as it grew comfortable and Sele reached out to pet the animal. For a moment she considered inviting it back for Nani to meet. Or the least she can do is let her sister know about this particular mink. Then Nani could let everyone else know not to hunt it since it had quickly become a practice buddy and maybe later even an informant. And when it warmed up and the fowl came back into the area she could try talking to them. After all her sister had suggested speaking to them about their missing brother. With their ability to fly they could cover more ground than the canines could. And with most being migratory then they could have possibly already spotted him along their flight paths. But for now Sele had to work on getting better before she could consider a long questioning session.

She looked back down to the mink as it spoke up again. This time it was her turn to look confused and uncertain. "Not certain. Nani is teaching me. I don't how many other's can speak as well. Don't worry I am going to tell them about you and keep you safe. Where do you stay at?" She kept up the conversation. She figured that if she knew were to find the mink again then it would be easier the next time. And well she could tell the other's not to hunt in that area. Or at least be wary of the mink there. Her head turned as she watched the mink scamper away and slip between the raised roots of a tree before peeking it's head out again. She laughed and smiled at the antics, nodding her head. "I will tell them."



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