Same song, different melody
Warning; Arrogance if frowned upon by naive puppy. Sorry it took me so long to reply. D: WC:280

Range Soul had been watching the wolves converse from a bit away. It was difficult to think that the world kept on turning even when he was not present. Those thoughts are probably what pushed him into following people in the first place. "What goes on when they don't know anyone is there?" Though it may seem very close minded of him, he had a hard time imagining what life would be like for others if he was never born. "Where would Gideon be? Nayru? Uncle? Would Melee be okay?" He could of went on thinking like this for hours, but listening to others talk was much more interesting.

He was taken back by the man. He strut as if he owned these lands, when clearly he was a loner. He had crossed paths with many of the wolves in Dahlia at one time or another, and this male was unfamiliar. Range left his hiding place, walking until he came between the two animals. The pup was no where near full grown, but his confidence made him seem bigger.. At least through his own eyes. "You're not from here." Most of the wolves who he found entering the pack lands were met without hostility. Some times they had tales to tell, or information to give. And often times he found more amusement from them then the wolves he shared his own home with. But this male just seemed.. Disrespectful. Rude. He stared at the male through bi-coloured eyes before glancing back at the female. All females deserved to be respected. He had definitely learned that many of them could hold their own, but refused to witness it without speaking out.



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