Small Steps
J'adore sat back down form his pretend attempt to leave. 'Okay!' he said ready to tell a story, 'It's brilliant, you see lots of things, meet lots of people and learn different languages. But you do miss your family...'. With a heavy sigh he contiuned, 'I love it here though, no as warm as home, but I have so many friends and have a valuble place in society'. He did miss his family, all the time. But one day he'd have his own family. He decided to play it up for Fia, 'But of course you gotta watch out for 'gators!' He hadn't seen any 'gators around, but if the humans dissapeared the other animals, as the canines had did, move into their old habitats. The snow once again began to drift onto the pair, just when he thought it was leaving too! I was getting harder aswell, I hope there isn't a storm! he thought crossing his eyes as he watched a snowflake fall on to his nose. It melted quickly, but on the ground the snow settled covering up their tracks. 'Looks like were in for more snow, eh?' he asked-slash-stated to Fia.

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