-M-When the phone rings we all wake up.

Itzal can enjoy a little flirting every now and then XD 1190!

Itzal looked up at the sky from time to time, imaging things he could never have. A normal life, one where he did not have to worry about the people he had killed, one where he did not have to worry about a monster in him fighting to be let out. But most of all, he wanted one where he could be content with his life, where he felt like he did not need to look for anything. The truth was, part of Itzal did not feel whole, not the demonic part, that part was dead, but a part of him that longed for something, but he was not sure what the something was. He just knew that if he did not find it, some part of him would never be truly happy. He did not care much for happiness, he was not even sure he deserved it, yes he had done the things he had done to survive, but that still did not change that he was some what of a monster. And maybe happiness was beyond his grasp. He sighed and then thought of a time when that part of him had almost felt complete, but it did not last, soon he was back to feeling it again, that longing. He was not one to want or need others by his side, he could stand on his own just fine, so what was it that he wanted but could not find. Something told him he would find it here, in time, if he was patient, but that still did not keep the need away. He sighed again. He was seriously messed up. He laughed at himself. Of course he was, no one could blame him, but he still did not wish to make excuses. He closed his eyes and let himself drift, closing his mind of thoughts, just listening to the sounds of nature, inhaling the air, even though he could still smell the blood, he pushed it back and payed attention to the smell of the air that came from nature. He liked to do it sometimes to clear his head, it helped him to focus on those sounds and smells, letting himself drift off and follow them, seeing without just his eyes. But he opened his eyes and shook his head slightly, and looked back at the female. He noticed her wink and then laugh and he smiled his smirkish smile, the sides of his lips pulling up into it and his eyes getting that look in them like he knew he was breaking the rules, and knew he would not get in trouble for it. He knew it was a look he was good at. It was possible one of the only expressions near happiness that came naturally to him.

He smiled at her comment about not being able to stomach seeing it. And he was glad she did not take offence. He was not trying to offend her at all. And he noted she just confirmed what they both had already known, she was not the killer. But either way, they were off of that subject now. "Good. I do not want to go and offend you and make you leave me here with no one to pass the time with." He watched her look at him, then she let out a chuckle and he could not help but smile at her, because she was probably smiling at how unusual this conversation was, but neihter of them (at least he didn't) seemed to mind. He gave her a knowing smile. It was kind of funny after all. He watched as her hand moved up and over her body to her hair where she raised it and shook her head. And then admitted to having nothing better to do then stay here with him and talk. Of course she did not say it in those exact words, but that is what he got from it. So looks like she would not be leaving anytime soon, which was fine by him. He could use the company, and strangly enough he did not mind her company, even though they should very well be enemys, it was not official yet, so he figured that it could not hurt anything. He watched her again wink at him as she moved her hands again before tilting her head up towards the sky. He listened to her confess that she to had her own demons, which wasn't surprsing, most people do, though usually not as extreme as him. And then she mentioned giving him respect for living with his and he had to chuckles. "I do not embrace mine as much as tolerate it. It is a part of me, a very monsterous, very evil part, but still a part of me, I can not deny that I myself helped create it, but I can say that I do not give in to its wants, and I can also promise you that I will not hurt you for no reason. You are safe with me as long as I have no reason to harm you. Which I do not so far, and I would like it better if I do not get one anytime soon. As he said it he smiled at her warmly, giving off a hint of smugness, which was usual for him, and he fuond it funny when others took it as flirtyness, though he sometimes could be a flirt, and maybe he was with her, either way, he wad enjoying thier conversation. "You guys seem like a good family, I hope you all have many more great years as that close a family." He smiled " You are very welcome, I'm only being honest." He growled softly when he heard that the man she had thought was the one for her ran. " He does not deserve you then. If he ran, and has not come back, then he is obviously not very caring, and you deserve better then a man who would run, for any reason. No matter what, he should have stood by you if he truly loved you, and if he did not, then he should not have acted like he did." Itzal finished with another growl. "You really should move on, he is not worth waiting for, I'm sure. And you would be a great mother, I can tell your parental instincts run deep and strong." Itzal was mad, he did not like cowards, especially one who abandoned woman and left them to wait and get over you. He would never do that, if he loved someone, they deserved more then for him to run, and even if he did not love them, he should face them and tell them, no matter how painful for either, it was better then leaving them waiting for possible months or years. But he was brought back to his before mood when he saw her tender smile and saw her step closer, he returned her smile and grinned at her some. "I can hunt no problem, and I can leave the cooking up to you, if you don't mind."

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