[M] -- Promises broken...
Out of Character

+3 OOC: if you don’t think I should be here, kick me out, but Shaw needs to comfort her in any way possible :3 Rawr!!

In Character

Shawchert was on his way to see sky, he’d brought his flute in hopes of playing her something nice, though he normally played as he walked, he found… he didn’t want to today. It was a pretty nice day out and he was enjoying it, possibly they could finally get that walk today? In any case he was sure they would find something to do. Though it seemed odd… something was in the air as he moved into town his usual checkpoint in coming in. then he saw two figures by Sky’s house, was something wrong? He saw fallen, but who was he talking to? He moved closer and soon was able to see Sky, pain etched across her face. Every happy feeling disappeared… His heart clenched what was happening?

Sky! What’s wrong?

He seemed to repeat what the other male had asked he looked up and around all that was there was the goat, but she wasn’t bleeding… not yet at least, so what could be wrong? What if the puppies… but they weren’t due for a whole nother month… March at least from what she’d told him… He started to worry even more.

It isn’t the puppies is it? I need to get you inside ok?

Shawchert asked, he would only wait a little while before he scooped her up, but he wanted her to be ready for it. He looked over at Fallen.

Did you see what happened? Did the goat hurt her? did she fall?

He hoped in all honesty the poor woman had twisted an ankle but it seemed she was not in such luck as that. His heart ached to help her and he hoped with all his heart Fallen knew some medical treatment, because in all his abilities he was no healer… and that was a fault that he sorely wished he didn’t have right at this very moment.

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Table by Shannon B


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