[J] Trespassing Puppy Style
WC: 473
Yah and now he will be sad ;_; Also, Sakari can see Gvihita, if you want. I'm writing that Meda is dead; I assume this was the intention, yes? Let me know if I should change it :3
OH and spirit guides don't die or disappear when their canines die, since they are separate beings with a free will, so if you want you could like.. have Meda's stick around or something? It'd be cool Big Grin

He moved swiftly, though the snow was not his friend and his coat was thin for winter. He had no thoughts for the cold just then, and he thanked the spirits that his legs were lanky for his kind; they helped him traverse the thick snow quicker. Gvihita appeared out of nowhere and screeched from above, circling some location ahead. He had known her for four years now, and he could to some degree read her sounds. Her facial expression never changed, having no facial muscles to change it with, but her calls did, and sometimes it was as if he could sense her feelings. He read her now, and he was worried for the Meda girl from this, for the bird seemed distressed. Sakari promted him forward and he put some extra effort into it, paws very nearly plowing through the already downtrodden layers of snow. The pup also provided him with background information, but as soon as she pointed towards a little mound of snow ahead, looking like a makeshift snowhole shelter, he forgot what she was talking about and simply aimed for it with speed.

He didn't stop to think to leave the girl outside. After all, she was wrapped in a blanket, but it simply wasn't on Dawali's mind. Sakari's tracks were still easily visible in the snow around the little mound, and Dawali quickly found himself inside with Meda in view. Still, he said nothing to the pup he held, his medic brain too focused on the task at hand. He placed the girl on the ground for a short moment, and with experienced movements he crawled to the girl and placed his fingers on her neck, searching for the feeling of that surge of life. If the blood was not moving, there was little left to do. Meda felt cold under his two fingers, and when he found no life there he checked her arms and legs too; there were many places to search for life. He found nothing, however. The place smelled of the Great Tribe, and with it the scent brought memories that the Chief could not ignore. The fact that she had died here, so close to his tribe, and so pointlessly; it was a tragedy, and a personal one as well. Dawali sighed heavily now, disappointed and saddened. He never knew Meda, and he did not even know of this niece that she had brought here, but for that he was eternally grateful. The fact that she was of his own people could only magnify the impact of the experience, and did not lessen the burden of being here so far away from the rest of the Great Tribe. Introvert for a moment, the Chief said nothing, though he picked Sakari up again. He would not have her freeze to death as well.


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